JumpPower 1000 limit

I’m creating a game where humanoid’s jumppower need to be very high, but jumppower parameter limits value to 1000. How I can break this or have another method to jump higher without Jumppower?

use JumpHeight instead of JumpPower

Maybe turn the gravity down? There should also be more jump settings but I’m not sure what all of them are. The reply above this probably has your answer

It visually havent limit, but it clipped like jumppower

The only solution to this that i can think of would be adding velocity to the HumanoidRootPart and not use jumppower at all.

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Sorry for my messy code, this is concept but it seems to be working.

local power = 100

local uis = game:GetService('UserInputService')

local character = script.Parent

local characterloaded = false
local character_loaded_requirements = {
-- Character loader cause client is dumb
for _, requirement in pairs(character_loaded_requirements) do

local root = character.HumanoidRootPart
local humanoid = character.Humanoid

humanoid.JumpHeight = 0

	if humanoid.FloorMaterial ~= Enum.Material.Air then
		root.Velocity = Vector3.new(root.Velocity.X,power,root.Velocity.Z)

Thanks! I checked, it working


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