I am working on a skin that jumpscared and I made it in the old baseplate and it worked fine but as soon as I transfered it to a new baseplate it no longer works the camera does mount to the player. I am super confused. *Edit the camera is a part on the skin called MainCamPart
For what I can observe at first glance, it might be the new Character you have, I’ll need a few details about the code and to look into the output.
Sorry I forgot the script here it is below:
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Bot = script.Parent.Parent
local myHuman = Bot:WaitForChild(“HumanPiggy”)
local myRoot = Bot:WaitForChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)
local rStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local rEvents = rStorage:WaitForChild(“RemoteEvents”)
local debounce = true
local TweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
local jumpscare = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“Jumpscare”)
local Ambience = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“Ambience”)
local Ambience1 = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“Ambience1”)
local ChaseTheme = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“ChaseTheme”)
local Hit = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“HitSound”)
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj.Parent)
local human = obj.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
local anim = Bot:FindFirstChild(“HumanPiggy”):LoadAnimation(Bot.Swing)
if plr and debounce and human and not obj.Parent:FindFirstChild("Enemy") and not obj.Parent:FindFirstChild("Helper") then
local distance = (myRoot.Position - obj.Position).Magnitude
local hitboxRange = 5
if distance <= hitboxRange then
if human.Health > 0 then
debounce = false
local killed = Instance.new("BoolValue")
killed.Parent = obj.Parent
killed.Name = "PiggyKilled"
rEvents.DoggyKill:FireClient(plr, Bot)
myRoot.Anchored = true
if Ambience then Ambience:Stop() end
if Ambience1 then Ambience1:Stop() end
if ChaseTheme then ChaseTheme:Stop() end
if jumpscare then jumpscare:Play() end
human.WalkSpeed = 0
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
human.WalkSpeed = 0
if Hit then
human.Health = 0
myRoot.Anchored = false
debounce = true
There is also nothing the console I have checked.
Aight, sorry for the late response, lets start by seeing if the touched function is firing, include a print() method right after you connect the function that detect touch.
I did an experiment, I made 2 new baseplates the old one and the new one it only worked in the old one but I will add a print. Edit* It did fire.
check for any “Infinite Yield” showing at the output, also, check if Streaming is enabled in the old and new Baseplate
I did end up fixing the issue the deathgui was in there twice named the same thing so that caused it to break thank you for all your help.
Oh, thats great, nicely done, also, set your reply as a solution for future users that might encounter this to use.