Jumpscare Camera not working

I am working on a skin that jumpscared and I made it in the old baseplate and it worked fine but as soon as I transfered it to a new baseplate it no longer works the camera does mount to the player. I am super confused. *Edit the camera is a part on the skin called MainCamPart

For what I can observe at first glance, it might be the new Character you have, I’ll need a few details about the code and to look into the output.

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Sorry I forgot the script here it is below:

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Bot = script.Parent.Parent
local myHuman = Bot:WaitForChild(“HumanPiggy”)
local myRoot = Bot:WaitForChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)
local rStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local rEvents = rStorage:WaitForChild(“RemoteEvents”)
local debounce = true
local TweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)

Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom

local jumpscare = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“Jumpscare”)
local Ambience = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“Ambience”)
local Ambience1 = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“Ambience1”)
local ChaseTheme = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“ChaseTheme”)
local Hit = myRoot:FindFirstChild(“HitSound”)

local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj.Parent)
local human = obj.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
local anim = Bot:FindFirstChild(“HumanPiggy”):LoadAnimation(Bot.Swing)

if plr and debounce and human and not obj.Parent:FindFirstChild("Enemy") and not obj.Parent:FindFirstChild("Helper") then
	local distance = (myRoot.Position - obj.Position).Magnitude
	local hitboxRange = 5 

	if distance <= hitboxRange then
		if human.Health > 0 then
			debounce = false
			local killed = Instance.new("BoolValue")
			killed.Parent = obj.Parent
			killed.Name = "PiggyKilled"

			rEvents.DoggyKill:FireClient(plr, Bot)

			myRoot.Anchored = true

			if Ambience then Ambience:Stop() end
			if Ambience1 then Ambience1:Stop() end
			if ChaseTheme then ChaseTheme:Stop() end
			if jumpscare then jumpscare:Play() end

			human.WalkSpeed = 0
			Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom

			human.WalkSpeed = 0

			if Hit then

			human.Health = 0

			myRoot.Anchored = false
			debounce = true


There is also nothing the console I have checked.

Aight, sorry for the late response, lets start by seeing if the touched function is firing, include a print() method right after you connect the function that detect touch.

I did an experiment, I made 2 new baseplates the old one and the new one it only worked in the old one but I will add a print. Edit* It did fire.

check for any “Infinite Yield” showing at the output, also, check if Streaming is enabled in the old and new Baseplate

I did end up fixing the issue the deathgui was in there twice named the same thing so that caused it to break thank you for all your help.

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Oh, thats great, nicely done, also, set your reply as a solution for future users that might encounter this to use.