Jumpscare feedback

Hey, I recently made my first jumpscare and I think it turned out pretty well, but it just doesn’t feel complete so I’d like some advice on what I could add/modify to improve it.
I’m planning to add a little bit of flashing lights. I know the sound isn’t the best, but its the best I could find in a minute, but if you know better ones that could match then let me know.

(sorry for low quality file, I tried a higher quality, but it was too big for devForum)


This is a decent jumpscare. It actually made me jump up for a second lol


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to jump :smile:


Even though I was expecting a jumpscare, I still jumped LOL.


I was considering putting a countdown, but that would have ruined the “suspense”.

maybe have a heartbeat that would get faster and louder the closer u are to a jumpscare and it shouldnt be accurate and give false positives to add more intensity

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I’m scared from the sound =( @cakeycocoa

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ok so heres what i’d change

  • when the monster first appears, it is very predictable because it gets dark and it approaches u for a split second before spoking you. i suggest making it so the monster not approach you, but instead already be in your face. make the monster super close to the camera too

  • theres also not a lot of color or “gore” i mean it doesnt need to be excessive but maybe just add in some red around the lips or something.

  • MOST IMPORTANT a good jump scare has the person staring at the screen. have you ever seen this jump scare: Relaxing Car Drive - YouTube notice how the creator made it so you focus on the car. this ensures the person is payingvery close attention and they do not think anything bad will happen. or this one here: Baseball jump scare tiktok - YouTube notice how you are paying very closely to the ball? these are extremely popular because you get distracted and put your guard down. its probably the most important thing to do for a jumpscare


Maybe add a camera shake and/or the monster knocking you to the ground before you see it’s face. In other words, make it more imposing… a Roblox dummy with a creepy face isn’t too scary, after all.


well its good excpt not good enough so what you wanna do is you have them grab the camera, like you are trying to it do now, but like they need to actually harrass the camera and like camera shake and colorshift to red and crazy stuff like that, rn his arms are just out like ‘rahhhh’ also what is that headshake lol maybe animate the mouth actually somehow like with your own three d model


camera shake would make this 10000000000x better


Ok so maybe make it lag for a second and then scare the guy’s pants off also camera shake

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You can make an anticipation of when the jumpscare is coming. You can put signs before the jumpscare happens like the lights flickering on and off or something falling off of a table. Then 1-2 minuts later the jumpscare happens. Once the gun is fired, there is no reason to be scared anymore. A jumpscare out of nowhere may be startling, but the fear lasts only for a few seconds.

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There wont be any signs of it coming since the game is a FNaF type game and I’m trying to kind of recreate those kinds of jumpscares, I should have probably mentioned this is the original post.

Yes while that is true all great horror movies/games with jumpscares have some sort of anticipation of a jumpscare, like eerie music playing or lights flickering. This is to illicit fear into the player/audience that lasts.

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LOL that actually scared me. Just like what @2xA_Imagineer95 said, I think a camera shake would make it even better Overall, I really like it. Keep up the good work! :+1:t6:

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It got me to jump too. I think it’s good. Maybe try adding a black screen when the jumpscare ends and like a thud maybe to make it more realistic like the Character is falling over, but it’s just my opinion.

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it scared me so I think t’s good LOL

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That genuinely surprised me, good job!

I think it is scary and the jarring noise really helps. The grabbing looks very casual though.

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