Just posting some a logo i made for a cafe game

Ola ! this is just one of the logo designs I made for a cafe game. Feel free to comment with some feedback that can help me in future projects :slight_smile:


It looks really nice. Maybe you can add some more on the outside because it looks a little empty (Unless you want the name to really stand out more) and maybe you can make the name part a little bigger so it’s easier to notice and read.
But it looks pretty nice.
Another thing, I’m not sure if roblox will allow you to put your Discord information on there because I think most people get a warning for doing that (Probably because they don’t want under aged kids going to Discord or something like that) But I don’t know for sure. But it looks great keep up the good work!

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Looks nice but maybe use different variations of colors it blends a lot and it took me a while to understand what it said

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I think he puts his Discord so copyright cant be done, but I totally agree with u, great design!

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Thanks for the feedback! Oh i didnt know that they had a policy against the discord name being put thanks for that too

Alrighty! ill try to change it up next time thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

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