Just 'print' only


How print this value as timer gui?
What problem in this script? I did the best but cant…

What are ReplicatedStorage.Seconds and ReplicatedStorage.Minutes?
What is changing them?

If they are values, you have to do mountbally.Value and Countdown.Value

that's like
Your word like this?

(seconds and minutes are Just normally timer script and they working well ya
If you want, I can see their value and script)

So ReplicatedStorage.Minutes and ReplicatedStorage.Seconds are Scripts? If so, you can’t normally get the value from them.

Can you show me the code for both of them please?

If these are Value Objects, you’ll need to format them using the tostring function instead

TextLabel.Text only accepts string values when attempting to change its property/text, try this instead:

--Define your things here

while wait() do
    local ChangedValue = tostring(Countdown.Value)..":"..tostring(mountbally.Value)

    LextLabal.Text = ChangedValue
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I swaer

Value in replicated,

And script
Script is almost made by another user, so it doesnt have problem

While I wouldn’t suggest you use while true do,
as you described, Seconds and Minutes are Values, so the right way to use them is to do Seconds.Value and Minutes.Value

I wrote it It not work Seriously…

I already did like it but… aaaaa

Are you sure? It should’ve worked

--Define your things here

while wait() do
    local MinuteConversion = tostring(Countdown.Value)
    local SecondConversion = tostring(mountbally.Value)

    local ChangedValue = MinuteConverion..":"..SecondConversion

    LextLabal.Text = ChangedValue

Please check your Output for any errors you may come across


Perhaps I suggest this script for setting Seconds and Minutes

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Seconds = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Seconds")
local Minutes = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Minutes")

local time = 0
RunService.Stepped:Connect(function(_, step)
	time = time + step
	Seconds.Value = math.floor(time) - math.floor(time / 60) * 60
	Minutes.Value = math.floor(time / 60)

But this could should’ve definitely worked if the script that set the seconds and minutes works fine.

Never hurts to print the Conversion Values as well, only other issue I see is that he hasn’t shown us any errors yet

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aaa i did it but its not good. Nobody printed

Main script is working good. I made spawning part event that following timervalue, but its worked ya

So, the problem is solved?


Nonono, I just replied at
‘if the script that set the seconds and minutes works fine.’ .

I saw your math script, but I couldnt understand almost and many things changed.

so I’m fixing small problems at first

Ok, well what is your problem? Is it not getting the seconds and minutes?

Can you show us your output?



Minutes and Seconds are worked well, and time event in 11:30 is worked too.

I think gui printing is only problem