Just updated Studio and it broke some built in plugins, same errors in all games :\

Error: Plugin at C:/Users/Valik/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-2ba85a75f8114838/BuiltInStandalonePlugins/Optimized_Embedded_Signature/Debugger.rbxm could not be verified and security settings prevent it from loading.

Failed to load plugin type=BuiltInStandalone filepath=Debugger.rbxm in datamodel StudioGameStateType_Edit

Unable to open plugin file (bad file format):


Anybody seen something like this? I’d post in studio bugs, but its not letting me… Anyway, if you had a similar issue or know a possible solution please share

Idk but that models you seen in the screen are that free models

Doors and stuff? Thats a free Gun System, I think ACS

also today I got another Studio update, they fixed it, finally!

Ok my friend has set this things in us game but he says not to use toolbox

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