Jusu | Frequently Asked Questions



This section of our handbook contains all the questions we are asked on a regular basis and we have put them all here to aid our community with their questions. if the question you have doesn’t appear in this list, please message a MR+.

Go back to the Public Handbook


Q1: How do I get a job here at Jusu?
In order to get a job here at Jusu, you must go to our Quiz Center and take part in the quiz. If you pass, you have to attend a scheduled training session hosted by our MR team.

Q2: What is the order limit?
The order limit is three (3) items per order.

Q3: Who do I contact if I want to report a troller/exploiter?
If you encounter some trollers or exploiters, report them in our admin calling channel. Do not abuse the system by spam pinging the role, only use it for the designated purposes.

Q4: How can I get promoted to an MR rank?
In order to become a Staff Assistant, you must have access to our communications server as well as being apart of our mentorship program. You are able to find details about how to become an MR here at Jusu in our Promotion System & Procedure part of our handbook.

Q5: How can I form an alliance with Jusu?
Kindly read our Affiliate Information & Application section. If your group meets our requirements, feel free to fill out our application form and send it to a member of our Public Relations Department. Your application will only be considered in the form of a google document.

Q6: Who do I contact if I have experienced a bug at one of Jusu’s games and how?
If you have experienced a bug, capture evidence of it so we will know exactly what is wrong. Afterwards, you must contact any member of the Ownership Team (Vice President+) via our communications server.

Q7: I’d like to suggest something. Where can I share my suggestion?
You can suggest anything in our communications server! We have a desired channel for suggestions. If you want to suggest something, join our communications server and simply use our suggest command in our bot-commands channel.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to direct them to our Public Relations Department.

Written by,
verenities & aurotixx