Jusu | Promotion System & Procedure (LR-MR)

:palm_tree: JUSU PROMOTION SYSTEM (LR-MR) :palm_tree:


Here at Jusu, we pride ourselves on having a hard-working and dedicated staff. Promotions are given to staff who are hard-working and dedicated to the group in as many ways as possible. Lower Rank promotions will take place at the training center through a training session. Management promotions will be decided by the Human Resources Department and the Ownership Team when it comes to the top-level personnel. Below, you’ll find a guide highlighting how you can advance through the ranks and the number of points required.

Go back to the Public Handbook


Becoming a Trainee
To become a trainee you will need to pass the quiz application located at the group quiz center. To do this make sure you are in the group and you join the correct game located on the group page. Once you pass it your group rank will be updated to Trainee.

Becoming a Junior Juicer
To become a Junior Juicer, you must attend and pass a training session as a Trainee. Training session times can be found at our Training Center’s game description or on our public handbook. We advise you to use a time zone converter if your time zone isn’t ET.

Becoming an Intermediate Juicer
To go from a Junior Juicer to an Intermediate Juicer, you will firstly need to work at the juice bar and obtain 150 points. Once you have the required number of points you will automatically be promoted to Intermediate Juicer in the game. If you don’t get ranked, please notify an Executive Assistant+ with proof.

Becoming an Advanced Juicer
To go from an Intermediate Juicer to an Advanced Juicer, you will firstly need to work at the juice bar and obtain 300 points. Once you have the required number of points you will automatically be promoted to Intermediate Juicer in the game. If you don’t get ranked, please notify an Executive Assistant+ with proof.


Here at Jusu, our MR employment method revolves around opting into a mentorship program, being trained, and then potentially getting accepted into the Management Team.

The mentorship program is a program managed by our Human Resources Department. To be eligible for the program, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must be an Advanced Juicer
  • Must maintain professionalism
  • Must not have safe-chat
  • Must have a good understanding of how our operations run from being trained three times in the past
  • Must have access to our communications server

If you meet all the eligibility requirements, you can then apply when we have applications available every month. You will need to have access to our communications server in order to apply when we release applications.

If you pass, a response will be sent telling you that you passed with further information about the mentorship program. Moreover, you will be brought in and officially registered as a mentee, and you’ll be assigned a mentor that will guide and train you throughout this program. If you fail the program, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have failed and that you need to wait till the next vacancies are available. In addition to this, you will be demoted back down to Advanced Juicer.

Any questions regarding this section and/or the mentorship program should be directed to the Human Resources Department.

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