[Kaeto] Ranged Weapons System for R6 rigs

(project paused atm)


Hello humans who manage to run into this random post! Appearantly if you manage to click into this post, it is very likely that you have already been introduced to other weapon engines on the Roblox platform such as FE gun kit and ACS or Vanguard or blah! However, I find them all rather too complicated, or is too hard to use, or both. Soooooooooooooooooo…… I made my own weapon system that features:

  • Viewmodel
  • Procedural viewmodel animations
  • Realistic projectile simulation
  • Head and arm rotation replication
  • Lacks updates

Apologies for losing my mind, lets get to the main part of the post. (If you want to learn about the engine itself instead of using it, skip to “Final stuff” part)

Setting things up

Like every other weapon engine that exists out there, the guns in this engine does not just run plainly, it requires some help from modules and things. So lets start with setting the stuff up!

The very first step to using this engine is to MAKE SURE EVERYONE THAT SPAWNS IS IN R6.

The first step to using my very useless engine that has no advantages compared to other engines is to insert this sussy folder that 100% contains no viruses into your bootiful project.

Then you should see something like this

Through expanding it, you can see 3 model objects, a useless script, and a weapon template that I will talk about later. Then, you will have to ungroup stuff accordingly. And that is all you have to do for setup, literally all. As for the tool, it should work no matter where you put it.

Setting guns up

Yay, now you successfully “installed” the engine, but your guns won’t work right away unless you set it up in the right way. Because while I was making this engine I wasn’t considering open source as an option, this system works and only works if your tools are animated through this 4 year old method (also you can animate the camera via the viewmodel under “models” folder in replicatedstorage). So keep that in mind.

To begin with, simply copy and paste the “tool” I placed under the tooltemplate I nicely prepared for you.

Animations and sounds
Because I made this engine to be SUPER SIMPLIFIED, all you have to do to change your first person animations is insert your animation ID(s) inside the indicated animation under the asset folder.

This is the same with the sounds. If you don’t know,“Drysound” is basically the sound when you fire with no ammo. If you noticed,“first person animations” in the last paragraph is in BALD, this is because I made stuff to be simplified in a way that most of not all server sided animations are the same. Why did I do it like this? I DON’T KNOW. As for the current very moment I am writing the post as in September 9th two thousand and twenty three years after the birth of a holy person, You cannot change each weapon’s server animation separately, if you don’t like the default server animations, you are welcome to change it via “WeaponHandler” in the modules folder under replicated storage.

Setting models up
In order to make your bootiful gun work properly, you must include the following highlighted parts inside your model. Note that the “BodyAttach” is the same thing in the link mentioned above.


The aim part, is where the camera will zoom into when you aim down sights. It should line up with whatever aiming device you are using.

The muzzle part is where the particle effects from the gun will originate from. It is also the reference point for obstruction calculations. However, projectile calculations will not be affected by its position. If you put it somewhere 1000 studs away, you would see a tracer flying into the center of your aim from wherever the muzzle was.

The “Bolt” part is a special case. Your gun will work regardless of this part’s existence. But if you include it, upon firing this part will move back and forth like how bolts work on a real gun. For pistol builds you can also use the name of “Slide”.

Some other really important stuff to put in mind is that it is highly suggested to check the orientation of the parts and make sure they are all at zero, otherwise you will get a bolt carrier group floating out of the gun.

When the setup is done, weld everything (other than the movable parts in your animation) together using this plugin. Why this plugin? You should find it out for yourself XD. Double check if all the parts have no collision and drag it under the tool once you’re done with everything.

Playing with stats

Very short introduction. Expand tool. Find weaponClient. Open it. Tah-dah.

I think everything is pretty self explainatory other than “recoverySpeed” and “pellets”.

Recovery speed
The recoil of this weapon system uses a very special spring module that I wrote based on the elastic potential energy formula we all learned in second grade physics. As we all know,
in this case, the “recovery speed” is the constant, or “K” in the formula above. Having a high recovery speed means a significant reduce in all recoil, it also makes movement more snappy. But since springs are really weird things I haven’t really found a balance between the recoil values, so have fun playing around with that.

Pellets, are, well, the amount of projectiles emitted per gunshot. By having a high spread value and multiple pellets, you create a shotgun XD. The amount of pellets do not affect total damage. The damage will be equally spread between each pellet so when you set the damage, you should be setting it to the highest expected damage of your weapon.

Because I’m lazy, I only added two firemodes at the current very moment of existence of the universe. Semiauto, and full auto. This means you can’t do bolt action or pump action, NOOOOOOO!!! Yeah so basically when automatic = true it’s full auto when it’s false it’s semi. Very easy to understand.

Final stuff

Yes, now you have completely mastered the usage of the Kaeto engine. WAAAAAAAAAAAW, I am so proud of you. For whoever that manages to read word by word til here, I, Mustroomf, announce you the proffessor of the “Kaeto Engine”. Ok enough jokes, this engine isn’t perfect, and it is nowhere near pefect. So, if I ever decide I should move on with my life and update this engine, I might include these following features.

  • ammo reserve
  • double action fire modes
  • internal magazies (load ammo one by one)
  • damage drop off

and, you have reached the end of the post, good bye, and see you tomorrow. Have fun with my weapon engine (if you are planning to use it).


wait I forgot one thing, you can try the system here.
Test Stuf. - Roblox

really goodbye this time


A showcase video would be better.


love this little engine so far, great work! The only problem I have that the gun is floating in game over the hands, but in the animation the gun is at the right place. (or the arms are in the wrong place)

Looks pretty cool nice job. One issue though it doesn’t work well with FPS unlockers make sure to use deltatime


Update 1.2 not coming

due to my personal choices I don’t want to update this open sourced brand of Kaeto engine anymore. If you still want to use my engine in my game and/or need help with it, you are welcome to DM me.

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