kAnimator - Reliably load and play animations, anytime

kAnimator is a simple object that loads and plays animations on-demand.

Why use this?

  • Add/remove animations waiting to be loaded at any time
  • Get and play animations without worrying about character states
  • Avoid messy code handling cases where animations aren’t loaded/don’t exist yet
Example usage (A punch tool):
local kAnimator = require( [path.to.kAnimator] )
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local AnimationsFolder = [path.to.some.anims]
local Loader = kAnimator.new(Player, AnimationsFolder) -- Add a folder of animations ready

local function OnClicked()
    Loader:Get("PunchAnimation"):Play() -- Quickly get and play animation

local function OnSynchronizedAction()
    Loader:Add( [path.to.fancyanim] ) -- Adds animation during runtime

    local Track = Loader:WaitUntilLoaded("FancyAnimation") -- Waits until animation is ready to play immediately
    -- start some effects here

    -- end the effects here

local function ToolDeleted()
    Loader:Destroy() -- Cleans all animations, connections and instances

Most important API:

  • kAnimator.new( player: Player, animations: Folder | {[string]: Animation}) → kAnimator
    Creates a new kAnimator object for that player. Can be ran on both server and client with no differences.

  • kAnimator:Get( name: string ) → AnimationTrack
    Returns an AnimationTrack if available. If no animation by that name was added, or the character isn’t ready, it will return a “fake” AnimationTrack that has non-functional methods. This makes it easy to lazily ignore cases where animations don’t exist!
    To check if an AnimationTrack is fake or not: if Track.Animation then -- Do stuff else -- fake animation! end

  • kAnimator:WaitUntilLoaded( name: string ) → AnimationTrack
    Same behavior as :Get(), except yields until AnimationTrack.Length is greater than 0. Times out after 5 seconds by default.

  • kAnimator:Add( animation(s): Animation | Folder | {[string]: Animation})
    Provide a single animation, a folder or a table of animations to add to the object. The name of the animation stored is the name of the Animation instance, or the key name if a table is provided.

Check it out here:

This is an extended module from the one I created for Maldives Resorts! We have encountered zero errors relating to this module so far, and it has worked extremely reliable for a stable playerbase.


I like this module but this would be 100% better if u also added a custom animator instance in Kanim.new so we can also animate other things than player though this module is still pretty good and recommend it for plr anims keep up!