Kapspire Moderation v1.2 — A moderation system from the future


Here we will post the updates that we publish for Kapspire Moderation.

Update log 5/13/2023 @ v1.2

Upgraded to version: 1.2
Released: 5/13/2023


[>] Patched a critical error with the panel not being able to issue moderation actions for players that were not in the selected group.
[>] Fixed the panel clock.
Update log v1.1

Update log 3/16/2022 @ v1.1

Upgraded to version: 1.1
Released: 3/16/2022


[*] Improved the security system: the suspect can no longer interact with the game
and its players even if they bypass the punishment UI. The suspect character will get
removed by the server, as well as they will get muted by the server.
[+] Added multi-cloned UI. This will clone the punishment UI every 5 seconds until the 
suspect leaves the game.
[*] Improved the security system: the character of the suspect will be checked every 5 seconds if it exists. If it does, it will delete it over and over again.
[>] Fixed the "Security kick" issue caused by the 3 checks - now only one client-sided check, 
and the rest is being handled by the server.
[*] Changed the colors of the Kapspire Panel and added multi-line for the 'reason' field. Also removed the ClearOnFocus option.
[>] Fixed security kick when clicking "I understand" at account warnings.
[>] Reset on respawn issue.
[+] Added a new feature: server locking (slock).
[+] Added new feature: server unlocking (unslock).
[+] Added new feature: kicking/server removal.
[+] Added auto-complete when kicking a player [ONLY WORKS WHEN KICKING] (you only have to fill in the first letters of the player for the script to find it).
[>] Fixed some spelling mistakes.
[+] NEW FEATURE: you can now use the UserId, UserName, and player instance with the API integrations. They are automatically detected (must be a string for UserName, a number for UserId, and an instance for a player).
[+] Added GetService support for all scripts, so that it is optimized for anti-cheat systems.
[+] Added MessagingService - the system now communicates between experience servers. When a user gets banned or temporarily banned, it will take effect immediately, without the suspect rejoining. This is only active for bans and temporary bans.
[+] Added a new feature for bans, kicks, and temporary bans in the Kapspire Panel: there is a new button that allows you to select the target username from the in-server players' list.
[+] Added prevention system to disallow scripts or users to moderate the game owner.
[+] Added a new API option to remove temporary bans (NOT available in the panel, you will want to use the API if you wish to remove a temporary ban).
[+] Added new feature: replicated API can now check permissions so lower ranks cannot punish higher ranks anymore. HTTP Service required.
[>] Changed all :Kick() messages to be compatible with Roblox`s newline character removal update.
[*] Added reason character limit (300 characters).
[+] Added new feature: you can now log errors that are in a Kapspire context to Discord.
[>] Patched a critical error with the panel disappearing on player respawn.
[>] Moderation actions made via Replicated API are now forced to go through the group rank check.
[-] Removed Point API version check due to it causing the Engine not to load.

Thanks to everyone who posted suggestions and feedback!

Looks cool, however I still prefer Cmdr for moderation.


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback!

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Does this utilize an admin panel, chat commands or is it script-based?

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It utilizes both an admin panel, and chat commands! But in order to configure it to your needs, it is script based.

not hating but you just toke old blueberry code and adonis code. all with no credits to the owners



That would be pretty important to point out after saying WATCH OUT FOR FAKES!

Can you show videos of this? Or at the very least a picture? I don’t want to join a game.

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wow dude so you practically did nothing to develop this and you are re branding someone else’s work into “Kapsire”.


Along with the panel is the worst experience I’ve seen. It’s copying code from Adonis, yet adonis is a 10x better admin system??


with all due fairness, it looks like you didn’t attempt to even edit the module itself

sure, you may have permission to use that stuff, but this is NOT the first thing i’d like to see when using any system

the module im referencing;


Uh… It seems it copies both Adonis and Blueberry, I recommend to use a very different script from the other things. Same thing for the main post, it copies the Blueberry post.

It does not mean I hate it.


I understand we are actively working on new updates, this system was a combined updated version of everything we use as our moderation. We are currently working on combining everything all together to one system.

I do and the developer at adonis said it was fine unless I copied the WHOLE module. The UI and API was updated.

Thanks for your feedback! I understand we are actively working on new updates, this system was a combined updated version of everything we use as our moderation. We are currently working on combining everything all together to one system.

I did 75% of the work and 100% of the API. But no worries, we are actively working on new updates, this system was a combined updated version of everything we use as our moderation. We are currently working on combining everything all together to one system.

lmao I will update the post with evidence shortly.

I’m 99% sure they meant videos of the admin panel.

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Oh alright LOL, I will update the post rq.

Is Kapspire an actual LLC?

Going over 15 minutes into reviewing your company, its seems you have racked up a charge of over $23,000 USD for Twitter Gold subscriptions on your mothers card. Committed several felonies, such as fraud.

I highly doubt a reasonable adult will agree to let their 13 year old child spend $23,000 monthly (totally of $279,000 annually) on a stupid checkmark. Reviewing Twitter’s Purchase Term’s Of Service, you have violated it as referenced below.

I highly doubt your “company” even has IRS W-4 Forms properly filled out for employees, as well as additional legal documents.

Why are stealing products and white-labeling it as your own work? You guys are also selling your the resource that’s not even yours?

This is just absolutely full of false information regarding your “company”. 1.6 Billion Dollar valuation. :skull:

I can go on and on regarding your company. As a community safety recommendation, stay away from Kapspire.

My sources:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kapspire
The Kapspire official fandom: https://kapspire.fandom.com
Twitter Legal Pages.


I don’t really know what the heck is happening with this post or any of this.

I don’t see how you could have just “reviewed” the company considering it’s an actual company, just a brand (as said by the official Twitter account) and there’s no information on them online aside from their heavily sarcastic LinkedIn and Fandom. Also, “Twitter Gold” isn’t a thing, it’s Verified for Organizations, and it’s 1k a month. How do you know this guy is 13? Also, the article you showed is basically legal jargon. It’s on everything I’ve ever seen.

… Where do they do this?
Edit: Nevermind, the module uses Adonis stuff.

Overall I’m just confused, both with whatever the heck “Kapspire” is, how they have a gold checkmark, where they do any of their “web design agency” stuff, why they have a Fandom and LinkedIn that look like sarcastic jokes, and what this post is.