Kecai | Handbook

Kecai is a restaurant located in the southern regions of Hawaii. Our mission is to bring together a community that has innovative ideas and concepts to become one of the most original and creative groups on the Roblox platform. With the help of our hardworking employees, we’ll be sure to promise you an unforgettable visit.

Training Times

Listed below, you can find a list of our training times shown in your local time zone. When attending a training session, arrive at least 20 minutes early. The times listed below are when the training center becomes locked, so the earlier you arrive, the better. While waiting at the training center, remain seated until you are provided further instructions and be prepared to learn.

  • 4:00:00 PM
  • 7:00:00 PM
  • 10:00:00 PM
  • 1:00:00 AM
  • 4:00:00 AM
  • 2:00:00 AM
  • 5:00:00 AM
  • 8:00:00 AM

If any of the times above are displayed as a day of the week rather than a specific time, note that it means the training session will begin at 12 AM/00:00 in your local time zone. You can click on the time for further information.

Staff Information

In order to become a low rank, you have to go through our online application and attend a scheduled training session. When you pass and become a Staff Member, you will rank up through Master Staff with XP. As a Staff Member, you can either work as a Chef or Server which have major responsibilities.

How do I start working?

To start off, you can choose to be a chef or server by doing the following: click the person icon on the top bar (staff panel) → Start Working (on the left) → click either Server/Chef. If a team is full, you will not be allowed to join. There is a 1:2 ratio of chefs-to-servers, so it may be more difficult to join the chef team. The join full teams game pass bypasses this and allows you to join any team, even if it is full.

What is XP?

XP is given to staff members by handing an item to a customer or through making an item. Buying VIP allows you to earn 2x XP when working. You can also purchase XP for Robux in the staff panel.

What do Chefs do?

Chefs are the cooks in the kitchen. When you first join the team, you will see a “Join Order Queue” button which will put you in the queue. As orders are submitted, you will eventually see an item pop up on your screen which you will be tasked to make. Each order submitted to the kitchen gets split amongst the chefs meaning the server is relying on you and the other chefs responsible for the order. By clicking on the name of the order, it will switch to the recipe to provide an easy explanation of how to make it. When you finish, simply click the checkmark and join the queue once again!

What do Servers do?

Servers are responsible for seating the customer, submitting their orders, and providing the customer with a satisfactory visit. To start off, Servers will see the New Order button which is used to create orders. To start serving, stand in line at the reception desk located near the entrance. You may use a notepad to note down orders or even your complete serving guide. When the customer is seated and requests an order, click the New Order button and select the items your customer ordered. Submitting false orders WILL result in a termination and point wipe. When you submit the order, you will have to wait for the chefs to make your order. Once it is complete, it will appear in your inventory. You can then stand close to them to hand the items to your customer. You will repeat this process for every order each customer asks for!

What do Shift Leaders do?

Shift Leader is a team accessible by purchasing a game pass. Shift Leaders are given the ability to act as both a Server and Chef simultaneously. They have the ability to seat customers, submit their orders, and create the orders for them. Shift Leaders should still follow the instructions provided on what Servers and Chefs do shown above.

How do I get promoted?

Getting promoted (mostly) requires earning enough points. By clicking on the person icon on the top bar (staff panel), you will be given the exact number of points you need for your next promotion. By buying VIP, you can earn 2x the points resulting in being promoted faster or by buying points in the staff panel.

  • To get promoted from Staff Member to Experienced Staff, you have two options: attend another training session or have 250 XP.
  • To get promoted from Experienced Staff to Skilled Staff, you need 500 XP.
  • To get promoted from Skilled Staff to Senior Staff, you need 1,000 XP.
  • To get promoted from Senior Staff to Master Staff, you need 2,000 XP.

Appeal Information

There are 5 types of punishments you can receive as a player. A server ban, a Trello (permanent) ban, an application ban, an MR restriction, and a Discord ban. If any of these have affected you, please read the appropriate section and learn how to appeal it.

Server Ban

A server ban is when a Management member uses the :ban command to remove you from the server. This is a server-sided ban meaning you will be able to rejoin after the server restarts. This type of punishment does not require an appeal unless you have evidence to prove it was false. If you believe your server ban was false, you can create a General Support ticket in our communication server.

Trello Ban

A trello ban is a permanent ban preventing you from joining the restaurant unless your appeal is accepted. In order to appeal this, you must wait at least 2 weeks and then message a Board of Directors+ either through Roblox messages or on our communication server.

Application Ban

An application ban is a permanent ban preventing you from becoming a staff member unless your appeal is accepted. In order to appeal this, you must wait at least 2 weeks and then message a Board of Directors+ either through Roblox messages or on our communication server.

MR Restriction

An MR restriction is a permanent ban preventing you from becoming a Management Assistant unless your appeal is accepted. In order to appeal this, you must wait at least 2 weeks and then message a Board of Directors+ either through Roblox messages or on our communication server.

Discord Ban

A Discord ban prevents you from communicating in our communication server unless your appeal is accepted. In order to appeal this, you must wait at least 2 weeks and then message a Board of Directors+ through Roblox messages or anywhere you can find one.

Alliance Application


  • Your group must have at least 100,000+ non-botted members.
  • Your Discord server must have at least 2,500+ non-botted members.
  • Your games must have concurrent players throughout the day with the exception of times when players are sleeping.
  • Your group must have no history of free-ranking or selling ranks with administrative powers.
  • Your group must benefit Kecai.
  • Your representatives must be able to communicate with our Relations team frequently with the will to host events, and be able to message us regarding any scheduled events or major changes within their group overall.
  • Your group must not be blacklisted/terminated.


Please send your alliance application to a High Rank in our relations team on our Discord server. You should expect to hear back from the relations team about the results in 1-3 days.

  1. What’s the link to your Roblox group and Discord?
  2. Briefly describe your group and how well it could benefit our company overall if we were to form an affiliate together.
  3. List at least three representatives and their Discord tags/Roblox usernames.

Job Descriptions

Middle Ranks

Management Assistant [Rank Limit: 50]

The Management Assistants of Kecai mostly work at trainings to assist the trainers. When working at the restaurant, they act as supervisors and possess admin commands. They are able to ban, kick, respawn, and perform all other administrative commands that they are allowed.

Kitchen Supervisor [Rank Limit: 40]

The Kitchen Supervisors of Kecai work equally on both shifts at the restaurant and trainings as a host or trainer. Their job at the restaurant is to ensure that operations at the restaurant are running smoothly and to deal with any disruptive customers and to make sure that our staff are doing their jobs properly. Supervisors may help Servers or Chefs in-game improve on their duties and act as a role model for all staff.

Assistant Manager [Rank Limit: 30]

The Assistant Managers of Kecai work regularly on restaurant shifts and occasionally attend sessions as hosts or trainers during training sessions. They also have the ability to promote Trainees who pass training sessions and monitor our group wall and delete any spam or malicious posts.

Operations Managers [Rank Limit: 14]

The Operations Managers of Kecai work regularly on restaurant shifts and occasionally attend sessions as hosts or trainers during training sessions. They are divided into two subdivisions, Staff Management or Recruitment. Operations Managers that are in recruitment are in charge of promoting Master Staff to our management team, hosting shifts for our players, and helping within our internal management system. Operations Managers that are in staff management handle management duties such as monitoring our staff members activity.

High Ranks

Board of Directors [Rank Limit: 12]

This rank is responsible for completing their daily corporate duties. They are involved in multiple specialized teams that are focused on different tasks such as staff activity & mentorship, recruitment, relations, and events.

Operations Officer [Rank Limit: 6]

An Operations Officer is tasked with running one specialized team (either Staff Management, Relations/Events, or Recruitment). They also participate in general duties acting as a regular member of other teams and other daily corporate duties.

Executive Officer [Rank Limit: 3]

Executive Officers do not primarily engage in specialized teams but do participate in general corporate duties. Their jobs are mainly focused on managing the group with the Leadership Team.

Leadership Ranks

All leadership ranks starting from Vice President through Owner are the overseers of the group. They manage the High Ranks and development for the group.

Master Staff Promotion Guide

In order to become a Management Assistant at Kecai, you’ll have to be the rank ‘Master Staff’ for eligibility. When working as a Master Staff, you will need to meet these key requirements in order to increase your chances of a promotion:

⇢ Grammar Proficiency
⇢ No Safechat
⇢ In the Kecai Discord server
⇢ Work Performance
⇢ Activity

Although using grammar is not required for our Master Staff, we expect Master Staff who are attempting to qualify for a promotion to Management Assistant to use grammar while on shift. While on shift, you should be focusing on maintaining a high level of grammar and punctuation at all times. This is to ensure that you are willing to demonstrate professionalism, maturity, and care while speaking to our customers and staff.

We will be checking to see if you have safechat as a Master Staff to ensure that you are qualified to become a Management Assistant. Safechat unfortunately prohibits communication severely and you will be unable to conduct your duties properly as a Management Assistant with safechat enabled.

We will also be checking if you are in our Discord server. We require Discord for our Management members because it is our only form of communication with them and unfortunately we do not have any other alternative forms of communicating.

When employed, you must do your job at a high level of mastery if you want to be considered for a Management position. You must prove that you perform very well in your jobs of being a Server and Chef. With being a Server you should have great interpersonal communication skills and conduct the serving process correctly. In addition, you must know how to deal with disruptive customers appropriately. With being a Chef, you should make the orders correctly and time-effectively as well. Showing a willingness to help your co-workers when they need it is always a plus too and will significantly increase your chances of a promotion.

Finally, activity is something that will need to be maintained if you want a chance of becoming a Management Assistant at Kecai. You should be on everyday and not just once per week, otherwise you will not be noticed and recommended. You should be consistent with your schedule of staying on as well (e.g: working for 1-2 hours a day rather than 7 hours every other day).

In addition, hinting will not be tolerated and help you rank up. Rather, it’ll hinge your chances of being on our MR Team, so please refrain from hinting to any MR in-game or over our communications server.

For any questions, concerns, or issues regarding Management Assistant promotions, you are able to contact the members that are apart of the recruitment department.


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