KeeAdmin Basic || Simple Administraion. Made Simpler

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Created by @co_existance and @zCrxtix KeeAdmin Basic is a simpler version of KeeAdmin v2 (also made by us) made for people who want more customization and to only their own commands. Instead of loading multiple modules, it runs from one server and client-side script for server and client commands.

Why use over other admin systems
Is a good question. KeeAdmin Basic is quicker than most admin systems, even KeeAdmin v2. It is also fully open source so you know it’s safe. Making your own commands also allows full control over what you want in your experience.

How to install

Step 1.
Install by dragging the file into the Workspace

You can also get it from the Roblox Creator Marketplace.

Step 2.
Put the script into ServerScriptService

Step 3.
To configure, open the script.
You can configure the admin system under CONFIG

Step 4.
To make sure KeeAdmin Basic is always up to date it checks its version with an outside source. To enable HttpService you can either go to “Game Settings” under the home menu or under “File > Game Settings”. Then go to Security and enable HTTP Requests

If your place is not saved/published you can also execute this in the command bar

game.HttpService.HttpEnabled = true
How to add custom commands

You may add Client or Server commands in either Module Script

KeeAdminBasic > Modules > Commands: Server sided commands
KeeAdminBasic > Client > Commands: Client sided commands

To create a new command use the following format:

	name = "test", --// Cannot have spaces, or Split
	aliases = {"test2"}, --// Any other names for the command
	category = "misc", --// misc, fun, or moderation
	level = 1, --// The level needed to execute the command
	execute = function(player, args) --// Function for when command is executed
		print("Test command executed ", args)

By default, there is a test command. You may copy from that or delete it.

Thank you for using KeeAdmin Beta. Also be sure to check out the full version, KeeAdmin v2.


I don’t think you read the post. Deprecatedbrain created KeeAdmin basic, which is a much simpler and faster version of KeeAdmin V2. It allows full simpler customizability and lets you internally create your own commands.


You made a typo in the title, “Administraion” should be “Administration.” Cool resource.