Keep side-bar open if your resolution is high enough

I think a 1920x1080 monitor should be big enough to have the side bar stay open (it resets to closed on every page.) Makes you navigate in less clicks, and you can see your amount of messages/friend requests at a glance.




Yeah, I use it on almost every page, and it’s annoying if I have to open it each time.

Kinda ruins that ad space though.

Stays open fine for me on my 1920x1080.

The elements on your screen look bigger than on mine, though. Is the page zoomed in? Are you using UI scaling?

I’m running barebones google chrome at 100% normal zoom on windows 10 (happened on windows 7 too), sncplay42.

As for the ad space, just take away a square from the liquid scaling recent games bar - like it must be doing for sncplay42 since he said it stays open for him.

Should this be moved to bug reports then? I had no idea it stays open for some people.

I’m using barebones chrome on 7. Maybe you should check Windows’ UI scaling settings?

I’m at 100% in my windows ui scaling. I just zoomed OUT, and it looks like yours. You might be the one with weird scaling settings snc, lol.

Mine’s 100%/default. shrug

Press ctrl+0 on your google chrome too.

It’s 100% zoom. Weird.

And it’s not that I’m running it on a second monitor with no taskbar taking up space, because it doesn’t hide on the primary screen either.

Looks like chrome has its own UI scaling settings too:


Under “customise” it says my default fonts are all 16pt.

…your image is 1987×1021
instead of 1920 x 1080

lol that’s where the differences came from

Don’t ask me where the 60 extra pixels came from, the monitor is 1920x1080. I have two monitors so maybe I left a little bit of the other one in when cropping the screenshot, but chrome is only in that monitor. When I use Alt+Printscreen (to only capture the one window) the resulting screenshot of chrome is exactly 1920x1080.

The vertical diff is because I cropped out the tabs+address bar.

If there’s still any doubt, this should be exactly 1920x1080:

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…omg. I was pressing ctrl+0 to reset my chrome zoom level, right? Well guess what, that only resets the relative zoom level in the Settings, and mine was at 125%. I have dishonoured my family.

I hate that the chat pops up, so i use a extension to keep it closed…
But yeah i love having the left bar open.

I believe this is based on the monitor’s size rather than the resolution.

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