Keep the lower body walking while another animation plays

Hello guys! I am working on a fireball throw animation and I came across this problem: Whenever I start the cast animation which is the one we see in the clip, if my character is moving, I want the legs to be walking with the upper body still in the casting animation… Is that possible to achieve? If so can anybody give me some advice on how I could achieve that?

Thanks a lot!

If you want the normal walking animation’s legs to be overrided, just don’t animate the legs in your animation.
If any limb in the animation doesn’t have any keyframes, they won’t be affected by animation, therefore they will be affected by other animations that do affect the limb (until the Animation’s Priority is higher than the other animation’s).

If you’re talking about your custom walking animation when you’re playing the animation, you can use Humanoid’s .Running event to indicate whether or not the player is walking and when to play your custom walking animation or not.


The thing is I kinda have some animation on the legs and I think it looks good and I dont think it would look good if I remove all the lower parts from the animation :open_mouth:

What you think?

Alsl I tried to remove legs stuff from my animation and it was very weird and funny not really what i was looking for… :frowning:

Maybe you can create your own legs animation that will play whenever the player is moving and changing back to normal legs in the fireball animation when the player is not moving, just don’t forget to set the legs animation’s priority higher than the fireball animation.
(not good at explaining, very sorry😄)