Keep your fighting game less competitive with this script!

I just invented a script that can detect items worn by the avatar and modify the stats of that player! Here’s how it works. First you put the script inside StarterCharacterScripts, then you modify the script to find a certain accessory or mesh/texture id within the local player, if they wear an item that matches what the script is looking for then the script will move forward and alter the stats of the player, you can modify the values to adjust the stats or mess with the additional code at the bottom if you know what you are doing. So how can this be put to use you ask? Well let’s say you made a fighting game and your players complain on the group wall that they keep running into a bacon hair that kills them every time. Instead of resorting to making your game pay2win you can use this script to detect the bacon hair on players and if they are wearing it then you can nerf their walkspeed to make it easier for them to be killed by normal players. Each script can detect 1 item on the players and can give out different stats, if 2 scripts detect a player for 2 items then the stats from both scripts can be combined on the player! There’s all kinds of ways you can combine the effects just by wearing different items on your avatar, give it a try on this demo game!

(5) Game of Quirks! - Roblox

And the script itself can be found right here!

(5) Accessory Detector that modifies local player stat - Roblox

This may get improved and updated in the future, I’ll try to let everyone know what gets changed. Have fun with this!


so this script is for rigging a game against users with certain hats? the test game you provided shows it as a coolish game concept, but the title of this and wording makes it simply seem like it’s for fighting games to rig the odds against certain players. really mixed messages


It can be used for more than just fighting games, let’s say you were making an easter event and had players solve a mystery. If the player was wearing a certain egg then they will acquire the necessary power to progress through the event. There’s all kinds of stuff you can do once you detect the player for wearing an item.

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I still gotta perfect the script to make sure no errors occur, if any of you run into something annoying then report it here and I’ll have a look at it. My scripting isn’t exactly the most organized, I only go as far as to ensure that it works without any problems.

I updated the script so that anti mouselock and anti jump will not trigger on all players if a script is trying to find a different item besides an accessory. Not sure why that was happening but it seems like I fixed the issue.

This is still pay to win, except you receive none of the profits. Why would a developer who respects themselves make their game less competitive in the first place?

It’s not a good idea to lock **necessary ** features behind an unobtainable hat.

Please don’t rig games. Make the playing field fair for everyone.


I wasn’t referring to an offsale item although that is also possible, there are lots of affordable UGC easter eggs that never go offsale, someone will find a use out of my script one of these days. There are already a few accessories that gave powers at some point such as the teapot turret, and yes there are quite a few modern accessories that have connections to certain games that give perks when worn or owned. This is nothing new and Roblox has been doing it for quite some time. Think of this like giving any power to any accessory, body part, and face. This can be a fun way to give perks to everyday items just like those vip t-shirts in the old days, whether this exists or not I guess you could say the Roblox catalog is pay2win on it’s own.

I wasn’t referring to an offsale item although that is also possible, there are lots of affordable UGC easter eggs that never go offsale, someone will find a use out of my script one of these days. There are already a few accessories that gave powers at some point such as the teapot turret, and yes there are quite a few modern accessories that have connections to certain games that give perks when worn or owned. This is nothing new, think of this like giving any power to any accessory, body part, and face. This can be a fun way to give perks to everyday items just like those vip t-shirts in the old days, whether this exists or not I guess you could say the Roblox catalog is pay2win on it’s own. This is not a way to make money for yourself but if you just so happen to be a UGC creator then you can use this to add perks in the game and promote your user generated content at the same time.

Don’t. Rig. Games. I don’t get why it’s so difficult to understand.

When people go to you and complain why some exploiter has 4x the normal health, how would you respond? What would your community’s reaction be if they found out that your game does not require skill but instead some random hat?

The teapot turret was added because of a rogue employee. Roblox doesn’t want hats to give unfair advantages.

Let’s look at this statistically.

If a new roblox user joins the game out of pure interest, and just happened to have bacon hair, they would be punished? The best way to keep something non competitive is to nerf a spam or something.

If RNG was bad, Try RNG but you pay robux to try and hope you get better stats than the hat you’re currently wearing.

I should not have to go in-depth on why this is a bad idea, As usual - giving players an unfair advantage makes it more competitive. And AGAIN as i’ve told you before; makes them leave the game.

This makes it way more Pay2Win than default? You’re forcing bacon hairs to spend robux on hats to not be pulped by everyone in a 300 mile radius.

No way!? A bacon hair!? With SKILL??? Man I have to design a script that punishes the bacon hairs for being too good at my game!


Oh wait, Heh, You do in your game, Don’tcha?

So what i’m trying to say is stop making posts about pay2win, Instead contribute to the forum by giving actually good resources.

Pay2Win is a sign of terrible game design, Both me and @Dawgcool13 have told you this now, And you should try to get rid of your Pay2Win habits, Nobody’s going to play a game that’s a literal cashgrab… …Unless your audience are children then maybe they would.

(P.S. If anything i said feels like im personally attacking you, It’s not meant to sound that way.)


The idea is fairly good, to identify a user’s worn item & do something after that.

but the way you see it is just wrong.
It shouldn’t be used & advertised as it is “To nerf/Boost” users that own this or that.

Overall, this is like one of those 2010-2013 script that checked if a user owned a shirt ID for VIP / Admin, just updated to today’s standards.

I’d say that the ability of your script to detect certain accessories is very interesting, but the idea behind it is terrible.
Don’t you think it’s unfair to punish bacon hairs with a script simply because they are more skilled than the average player?
I also don’t understand why you want to punish specifically bacon-haired players, it doesn’t make any sense.

Also, I can say from personal experience that gamers usually love competitive games and hate p2w games, otherwise game mods like PM would’ve never been made, and charted obbies would’ve never been popular.

Rigging your game like this will result in the community hating it, and will cause you to lose profit.

(btw I’m not attacking your personally, this is just my opinion)

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