Keeping a Player Out, with Different Accounts

So recently I’ve had an issue with a certain player circumventing me banning him by making new accounts and continuing his previous behavior. It’s so bad that I get multiple messages per day talking about it.

Thread of Messages

So, I’m curious to see what you guys might have as ideas to keep him out considering IP ban isn’t a thing to my knowledge/if it is, it’s probably against ToS.


Driving the wrong way sounds fun. Lemme go try it /s


Instead of wasting time playing cat-mouse with these individual people, just implement a check that automatically punishes them for driving badly, or detect that they’re exploiting and punish them with server-sided checks, etc.


*be lenient with the check though, some people are just bad drivers


A bad driving check is probably almost impossible, but nabbing people for overly-deliberate things like driving backwards should be possible.


Well, I’ve created a system to defeat people that drive backwards or sit in the middle of the track. Basically just collision groups.

  • Collision group for going the right way
  • Collision group for going the wrong way
  • Collision group for going too slow

If you’re going fast, and going the right way, you will drive straight through the guys going the wrong way & the guys who are basically dead stopped. My only issue is like, starts. On the start, everyone is apart of the “going slow” group, so it’s much easier for him to troll then. Or sometimes if you do it just right, you can jump right when the game teleports you to your car, and because you fail to touch the seat, you fail to get the collision group check, and therefore the player can walk on track and be a nuisance that way.

But like others said. It’s difficult to discern a bad driver from a complete jerk driver.


Seems like the solution then is to just punish people not sitting in a seat.


I mean, thinking about it, if I just make the track a collision group, and then the player would be in the default group, and make the track & default not touch, that’d make the driver just fall through the track. But then I’d feel bad in the case of people who didn’t mean to miss the seat, and just happened to jump at the right time.

Games are hard.


Or just check all the drivers every couple of seconds and see if any are not in a seat. Then kick anyone standing out of the race.


Check the users account age, if the account isn’t older than one day then kick the user.


However, what if someone came across my game & it’s their first day of Roblox. They might just think my game is broken.


You could make the kick message say something like, “To stop trolling in this game, your account must be over one day old, sorry for the inconvenience!”

That’s not a very good solution. The user experience would be awful for new players, and it’ll just prompt the troll to make even more accounts. Playing cat and mouse with them is not what you want to be doing as a developer.


Perhaps lower it to half an hour, and maybe just keep the script running for a week to stop the troller.

The troller would still more than likely just spam out a bunch of accounts and try them later, not to mention I still have to remove accounts he already made. It’s good in theory, but in practice too many loop holes for him.

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Instead of banning these players out, please try utilizing tricks around the game if the players doesn’t play correctly or if they intend to wreck the other players.

Such as exploding their vehicle when they drive to damage collide opponents too much, a penalty is given later. Or make their car jump when the first place racer is heading on collision against the driver on last place.

It’s easier to put attempts in patching these annoying abuses, instead of trying to search & destroy all his alts. I also guess that banning several accounts of his alts from the game(i.e. kick-lock) would make them give up, eventually. If they’re stubborn, just do whatever to stop the abusable tricks.

Simply, be creative with the game.


He also utilizes wrecking people in the middle of the race while circumventing the anti-idiot stuff. Like, he’ll go the right way, and the right speeds, and just well, essentially this:

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You should implement a system where for the first few moments of the race the cars are either invincible or they automatically start driving until the race begins. Similar to a normal race for cars… you don’t typically start off going 0 mph.


Try adding an option for players to respawn perhaps, for reference try and replicate the GTA V race respawn method.

Seems like you’re getting harassed, and your not the first. Same thing has happened to me, and there is a 50 player block limit so I have to be careful who I block.

I suggested a while back an idea about where if you block someone, the person with the IP can’t view your profile entirely, so they can’t stalk you no matter how many alts they create.

The only thing you can do for now is to disable messages from random people.