Keeping a weld attached to a body

Hello, I’m trying to attach a weld part to the Upper torso of a character even when the Upper torso is rotated.

I’m trying to keep this logo piece attached to the upper torso even when the upper torso is being rotated. screenshot.879
every time a animation is being played the logo piece seems to clip out of the upper torso as shown in the picture below
any solutions to this?

oh yeah to add on to something, the logo piece is a mesh so i dont know if that has anything to do with the problem.

are you sure it’s not welded to like, the humanoid root part or the lower torso?

No, I made sure it wasn’t welded to the humanoid root part, i welded it to the UpperTorso.

After testing welding meshs onto an r15 character I got this image
Lets just say it’s a safe bet to say that this is glitchy.
Along with that I tryed to weld the mesh onto another part and it still glitched out.
Your best bet would be to try and use the old weld’s for it.

What old welds can i use for the mesh?

If you are using rigedit+ that has a welding feature built into it. I think that moon animation editor could also work.

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alright I’ll try this out and see if this works

Using moon animator worked! Thank you so much been stuck on this for a whole week, now the mesh parts are able to animate now.