Keeping position and size the same for all devices

So I am currently having an issue on how to keep GUI’s position and size consistent on all devices. I use alot of frames and imagelabels. Here is how it looks on my screen:

It looks fine, but here is how it looks on an Ipad (or a Tablet):

So as you can see, the two bars (yellow and brown) are very close to the hotbar but if you look at the first picture it’s spreaded out. How do I keep them spread out? Also when I place a frame on the right side of the screen when I use Emulation it will look as if the frame is going out of the screen, or atleast a part of it.

Help is greatly appreciated.

When setting the position or size of a UI element, use Scale instead of Offset.
While offset sets the size/position in pixels, Scale let’s you set a percentage of the screen’s size, so it appears smaller on smaller screens.


I already have them all on Scale, the problem now is that some guis get closer to each other on other devices while on bigger screen they get far from each other.

Is your positon and size set using scale?
In that case it’s most likely caused by the UIAspectRatioConstraint. Try playing around with its AspectType and DominantAxis properties.

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Yes and no. I don’t use UiAspectRatioConstraints. It works but on some devices it just centers the gui on the screen. I can’t show a screenshot right now since I’m on vacation.

Hello again, I have returned from my vacation and here is what happens when I use a UIAspectRatioConstraint (on the grey frame with anchor point 0.5, 1).

As you can see the guis inside the grey frame is not spreaded out anymore (which is a good thing) the only bad thing is that the grey frame does not resize to fit the entire screen, so it looks like this.

I was wondering if you’d have any idea on how to counter this. Thanks!

Nevermind all I did was change the AspectRatio to something big, sorry for wasting your time

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