I’m stumped.
I have two accessories, accessory A and accessory B. Accessory B is welded to accessory A. Accessory A is welded to the head of the player’s character. Both of them have a blank c0, and a c1 which acts as the offset.
Now, say I wanted to change only accessory A’s C1, and keep accessory B’s world position the same while doing so. How would I go about doing this? There doesn’t seem like an easy way to do so. The method that I have devised involves getting the magnitude and direction between the two accessories world CFrame positions, and setting the C1 to that.
There are some issues. Rotating accessory A will cause accessory B to rotate with it as if they were grouped together. This behavior is unintended, as I only want accessory A to be rotating. Accessory B’s world position should stay the same. This issue has been slowly chipping away at my sanity for the past few days and I can’t figure out a way to fix it. Any help?