Keeps spawning in R15 in Studio despite R6 settings

Please fix :pray: any updates on this?

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There’s one solution that I know for that issue.
When you get spawned in R15 instead of R6 just try resetting your character (it works 100% of the times at least for me)
It won’t be a permanent fix, but still gonna make you spawn in R6 way faster and better than nothing.

P.s. Roblox please stop breaking studio :sob:

thing if, it will break every script that would handle a R6 and not a R15 at the start…

Hi! Does this: Spawning as R15 in the Place where characters are Forced to use R6 - #68 by mrxchu
work for you?

it’s fixed. thanks

won’t say anything about the fact to took 4 month :slight_smile: