Kestriez | Public Handbook


Welcome to the Kestriez Handbook! This handbook includes any necessary information for both new and old community members. Be sure to take a look at each section before proceeding both in-game and through our communications server channels.

📚 Rules and Regulations

For the Kestriez game and servers to operate smoothly, these rules and guidelines must be followed and enforced. Please abide by all rules and systems listed here to ensure our community is as welcoming and safe as possible.

Community Code of Conduct:

  • All users should respect those around them by avoiding derogatory or offensive remarks including insulting comments, slurs, etc.
  • Trolling is the intentional disruption of an environment by causing trouble or annoyance and will be moderated accordingly depending on severity.
  • Any inappropriate behavior, commentary, or appearances will be moderated after a formal warning or chance to modify one’s avatar.
  • Chat spam and intentional flooding of the chat by any means are prohibited.
  • Threats, harassment, or abuse of other community members will be investigated and dealt with if reported by harmed individuals.
  • Bypassing of the chat filter is prohibited based on the discretion of the present moderator.
  • Intentional glitching or server exploitation will result in a permanent ban from our facilities.

Staff Code of Conduct:

  • Grammar is not required for staff, but sentences should be legible to customers.
  • When actively working, staff should be as professional as possible.
  • Hinting for promotions will only lower one’s chances and will result in a demotion if continued.
  • Cheating for points is prohibited and a removal of the user’s rank will occur.
  • Breaking any of the rules listed under the “Community Code of Conduct” will result in a warning if necessary and demotion if continued.

Moderation Procedures:

  • Warnings: Kestriez operates on a one-warning system. Warnings are given verbally through the chat box if minor behavioral issues are at play. This may include trolling, inappropriate behavior, or chat spam.
  • Kicks: If the behavior continues after a formal warning, a kick from that specific server will occur. Users may rejoin the server to continue playing at their discretion.
  • Bans: Many behaviors may be met with an automatic server ban. This may include harassment, filter bypass, threats, etc. Server bans can also be given if a kicked user has continued after rejoining. Server bans do not stop users from joining new servers.
  • Permanent Bans: Being permanently banned from the Kestriez game can occur for a severe offense or if a server-banned individual has continued in multiple servers. Offenses may include exploiting, glitching, sharing personal information, or excessive toxicity.
🙋 Rank Descriptions

From community to staff, Kestriez has many roles that our members take on throughout their time here. Take a look below at a brief description of each rank and its purpose.

Community Ranks

Obtained by joining the Kestriez group.

Noted Member:
Granted to former Corporate Board members and other notable individuals within Kestriez.

Business Partner:
Given to official representatives from Kestriez affiliates.

Staff Team

Interested customers can take on a Trainee position by agreeing to our rules and guidelines. Trainees are able to clean spills at the bakery before attending a training session.

Junior Baker:
Promoted after attending and passing a scheduled training session. Bakers can work at the bakery by serving drinks, food, and mopping spills.

Senior Baker:
Gained from working and earning # BakerPoints. Senior Bakers should continue working hard to achieve a new rank and more opportunities.

Master Baker:
Gained from working and earning # BakerPoints. Master Bakers should work extra hard to be noticed and recommended for our Senior Staff team.

Senior Staff

Team Leader:
Promoted after being recommended by a Senior Management member through hard work and consistent activity. Team Leaders can apply for Intern when applicable and complete a brief workshop with a General Manager+ to assist at trainings.

Bakery Intern:
Hired through application periods hosted by the Staffing Department. Interns will go through a vigorous trial period before their promotion to Bakery Assistant. Moderation commands are limited and they can assist trainings during training sessions.

Management Team

Bakery Assistant:
Interns who pass their quiz will become official members of the Management Team. Bakery Assistants can now train at training sessions and moderate the bakery.

Promoted after working hard and showing consistent activity as a Management member. Supervisors can now post group shouts and host games at the bakery.

Promoted after working hard and showing consistent activity as a Supervisor. Coordinators can now co-host training sessions and host bakery shifts.

Senior Management

Assistant Manager:
Coordinators who show potential and consistent dedication to the group will become official members of the Senior Management team. Main responsibilities include assisting a department, hosting training sessions, and recommending Master Bakers.

General Manager:
The final step before becoming a Corporate Board member. General Managers will become helpers to the Staffing Department and work to prove themselves in the department they wish to work towards being in.

Corporate Board

Corporate Assistant:
Dedicated General Managers will be promoted into the Corporate Board. Corporate Assistants are co-leads to a department and assist their leads in any way.

Corporate Officers:
Corporate Officers are separated by their departments. Each officer is a lead of one of three departments and strives for success in all department activities.

Chief Operating Officer:
:video_game: Operations Department - Handles all community events and group operations (shifts, trainings, gamenights, etc.) to maximize community satisfaction.

Chief Staffing Officer:
:memo: Staff Department - Handles the recruitment, discipline, and functions of the staff team as a whole to maximize team bonding and organization.

Chief Communications Officer:
:handshake: Communications Department - Handles all affiliates, collaborated events and efforts, and media to maximize community engagement and marketing.

Presidential Board

Vice President:
Assists the Chairwoman in any Presidential activities and oversees the community to make wise decisions for the group as a whole.

Assists the Chairwoman in any Presidential activities and oversees the Corporate Board and development to make wise decisions for the group as a whole.

Founder and owner of Kestriez Bakery.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

Read the following answers to some predicted questions you may have about Kestriez operations, systems, rules, etc. If any of your questions are left unanswered, feel free to contact a staff member in-game or use our support system through communications server.

How do I become a Kestriez staff member?

If you are interested in becoming a staff member, you should join the bakery and find the (insert button name here). You will be required to agree to a few rules and conditions but will be ranked up to Trainee shortly after. Trainees must complete a training session to rank up further and bakers must earn points for further promotions.

How do I earn points as a baker?

Points are earned by completing orders (by user or NPC) through making drinks or baking at the hibachi tables. Each order completed earns (insert number of points here).

How do I report a misbehaving individual?

To make a report on a user, head over to our communications server and make a ticket. Make sure to have proof of the misbehavior as well as the username of the individual. If you’re not in our server, you can inform a Management member who is in-game, or leave a message on our group wall.

How do I make a suggestion or report an in-game bug?

Suggestions and bug reports can be made through our communications server. Make sure to be thorough with your suggestions as well as your bug reports. Bug reports should have a good explanation as to how the bug occurred so it may be replicated.

Can I become a staff member if I have safechat?

Accounts under the age of 13 cannot become a member of our team past the rank of Master Baker. Team leaders are required to be above the age of 13 in order to join our communications server and speak properly in chats.

🏁 Ban/Blacklist Appeals

If you are permanently banned from our game or blacklisted from joining our staff team for any reason, you may fill out the appeal(s) below. Please send your completed appeal to a General Manager or higher through our Communications Server or Roblox messages.

Ban Appeal

  1. Why were you permanently banned from the bakery?
  2. How have you improved since being banned?
  3. Why should you be allowed to join the bakery?

Questions can be answered in paragraph form or by answering each question individually.

Blacklist Appeal

  1. Why were you blacklisted? When did this happen?
  2. How have you improved since being blacklisted?
  3. Why should you be allowed to join our staff team?

Questions can be answered in paragraph form or by answering each question individually.

🤝 Affiliate Information

Are you interested in becoming an affiliate of Kestriez? Look through our requirements and application information listed below. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Affiliate Requirements

  1. Your group must be in good standing within Roblox Terms of Service and all other regulations concerning both the Roblox and Discord platforms.
  2. Your group should not sell ranks with any admin privileges.
  3. Your group must fill out an official affiliate application as listed below.
  4. Your group must be at least three months old and uphold proper organization. This includes a lack of excessive drama, ownership troubles, etc.
  5. Your group must be able to keep up activity at all times through games, communications server, and/or leadership progress.

Affiliate Application

If your group follows all of the requirements above, contact a Chief Communications Officer to receive the necessary form needed to begin the process of applying to be an affiliate with Kestriez.

👨‍🍳 Recipe Guide

Welcome to the Kestriez Recipe Guide, your ultimate resource for crafting delicious treats in our bakery! You’ll find a collection of recipes to help you create mouth-watering dishes and drinks that will satisfy your cravings. From sweet treats like cupcakes and cookies to mochi and parfaits, we’ve got you covered. So grab your apron and get baking - we can’t wait to see you at the bakery! :coffee::cupcake:

☕ Hot Drink Recipes


Step into the cozy world of Kestriez Bakery and experience the showstopping artistry from our staff. Our expert baristas are dedicated to crafting the perfect cup of coffee, every time. From rich and bold to smooth and subtle, our coffee menu is designed to delight your senses and fuel your day. Whether you’re in the mood for a classic Americano, a decadent Mocha, or a refreshing Iced Macchiato, we’ve got you covered. Browse our menu below and discover your new favourite coffee drink!

  • Americano

Cup > Water > Kettle > Double Espresso

  • Cappuccino

Cup > Milk > Steamer > Espresso > Milk Foam

  • Decaffeinated

Cup > Water > Kettle > Decaffeinated Coffee

  • Espresso

Cup > Water > Kettle > Espresso

  • Latte

Cup > Milk > Steamer > Espresso

  • Macchiato

Cup > Milk > Steamer > Double Espresso > Milk Foam

  • Iced Macchiato

Cup > Milk > Ice > Double Espresso > Whipped Cream

  • Mocha

Cup > Milk > Steamer > Chocolate > Espresso > Milk Foam > Cocoa Powder


Take a break and indulge in a steaming cup of our freshly brewed tea! Our tea menu is filled with delicious blends to quench your thirst and refresh your mind. From classic black tea to exotic flavours like jasmine and green tea, we’ve got a tea for every taste bud!

Mug > Water > Kettle > Desired Tea Blend > Milk (Milk Tea)/Ice (if iced)

  • Black Tea
  • Chai Tea
  • Ginger Tea
  • Green Tea
  • Jasmine Tea
  • Lemon Tea
  • Milk Tea
  • Mint Tea
  • White Tea

Boba Teas:

Explore the land of boba tea and experience the perfect blend of flavors, textures, and aromas. Our expertly crafted teas will transport you to a tropical paradise, where every sip is a delight for the senses. From classic milk tea to unique and exotic flavours, we’ve got a boba tea for every mood and craving.

Cup > Tapicoa Pearls > Desired Tea Blend > Flavour > Milk > Steam > Bubble Tea Straw

  • Classic Milk Boba
  • Floral Rose Boba
  • Green Apple Boba
  • Jasmine Boba
  • Lychee Boba
  • Mango Boba
  • Matcha Boba
  • Passionfruit Boba
  • Strawberry Boba
  • Taro Boba
  • Yuzu Boba
🥤 Cold Drink Recipes


Indulge in our rich and creamy milkshakes, made with premium ice cream and topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of magic. From classic flavors to unique and decadent combinations, we have a variety of options to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Blender Jug > Milk > Ice > Flavours > Vanilla Ice Cream > Blend > Optional Whipped Cream > Toppings

  • Banana Peanut
  • Caramel Pretzel
  • Chocolate Indulgence
  • Cookies N’ Cream
  • Strawberry Swirl
  • Vanilla Dream


Quench your thirst with our refreshing and revitalizing juices, crafted with 100% pure fruit and a dash of passion. From timeless favorites to innovative and exotic blends, our selection offers something for every taste and craving.

Blender Jug > Fruits > Water > Blend > Glass Cup

  • Apple and Cranberry
  • Mango and Guava
  • Mango and Pineapple
  • Peach and Ginger
  • Pomegranate and Mint
  • Watermelon and Lemon


Break free from the ordinary and indulge in a smoothie that’s truly one-of-a-kind. We’ve tossed out the bland and brought in the bold, combining 100% pure fruit with a dash of creativity and a whole lot of love. From unexpected flavor combinations to exotic ingredients, our smoothies are the perfect way to shake up your routine and tantalize your taste buds.

Blender Jug > Ice > Fruits > Yogurt > Blend > Smoothie Cup

  • Blueberry and Lemon
  • Peach and Avocado
  • Pineapple, Kiwi and Mint
  • Strawberry, Banana and Lime
  • Tropical Acai
🧁 Bakery Recipes


Indulge in the sweetness of Kestriez as we share our most treasured cookie recipes, carefully crafted to bring joy and warmth to your kitchen and your table. From classic treats to creative twists, every cookie is a testament to the power of baking to bring people together!

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Flour, Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Butter & Eggs > Mix > Place on Tray > Bake

  • Lemon and Blueberry
  • Orange and Poppyseed
  • Peanut Butter Fudge
  • Triple Chocolate
  • Vanilla Sugar


Embark on a whimsical adventure through the realm of Kestriez, where every cupcake is a masterpiece of flavour and design. We’ll take you on a journey of discovery, as you explore the fantastical world of frosting, sprinkles, and pure delight!

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Flour, Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Butter, Milk & Eggs > Mix > Place on Tray > Bake > Mixer Bowl > Butter > Powdered Sugar > Flavour > Mix > Decorate

  • Apple Caramel
  • Banana
  • Chocolate
  • Chocolate Orange
  • Citrus Zest
  • Classic Vanilla
  • Fudge Brownie
  • Raspberry Lemonade
  • Strawberry


Fulfill the thrill of Kestriez’s creative world, where every cakepop is a miniature masterpiece of flavour and artistry. From classic combinations to bold innovations, each cakepop is a testament to the power of imagination and creativity in the kitchen!

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Flour, Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Butter, Milk & Eggs > Mix > Place on Tray > Bake > Place Stick > Dip into Icing > Decorate with Sprinkles

  • Caramel Cakepop
  • Chocolate Cakepop
  • Cookies and Cream Cakepop
  • Lemon Cakepop
  • Pistachio Cakepop
  • Red Velvet Cakepop
  • Strawberry Cakepop
  • Vanilla Cakepop

Cake Slices:

Experience the art of indulgence with our carefully crafted cake slices. Each one is a masterpiece of flavour and texture, designed to delight your senses.

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Flour, Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Butter, Milk & Eggs > Mix > Place in Tin > Bake

  • Chocolate and Coconut Cake
  • Coffee Toffee Cake
  • Hazelnut and Almond Cake
  • Red Velvet Cake
  • Strawberry and Lime Cake


Sink your teeth in disbelief as you enjoy the velvety smoothness of our signature cheesecakes, crafted with the finest ingredients and a touch of imagination. Let the sweetness transport you to a world of pure delight!

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Flour, Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Cream, Milk & Eggs > Mix > Place on Tray > Bake

  • Cherry Chocolate Cheesecake
  • Mint Zest Cheesecake
  • Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake


Enter the mystical and enchanted realm of deliciously decorated donuts, where every bite is a journey through a world of sugar, spice, and magic. With every morsel, you’ll be transported to a world of wonder and awe, where the boundaries of taste and imagination are pushed to new heights!

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Flour, Sugar, & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Milk, Eggs, Butter, > Mix > Roll Out > Bake

  • Chocolate Ring Donut
  • Cinnamon Sugar Donut
  • Classic Glazed Donut
  • Cocoa Mocha Donut
  • Cronut Donut
  • Lemon Meringue Donut
  • Peanut Pretzel Donut
  • Sour Apple Donut
  • Strawberry Frosted Donut


Elevate your indulgence with a Parfait that’s as unique as it is delicious. We’ve taken the ordinary and turned it upside down, blending together an assortment of fresh ingredients in unexpected ways. From vibrant flavor combinations to artistic layering, our parfaits are designed to surprise and delight your senses, making every bite a memorable one.

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Cream & Eggs > Mix > Place in Cup > Freeze

  • Mixed Berry Parfait
  • Peach and Apricot Parfait
  • Tropical Paradise Parfait


Experience the art of macaron-making with our unique and exquisite creations. Each flavour is a sensory journey, from the deep, dark richness of our Cappuccino Macaron to the bright, citrusy zing of our Lemon Curd Macaron. For those who crave adventure, our Orange and Passionfruit Macaron and Raspberry Pistachio Macaron are a thrilling combination. And for those who appreciate simplicity, our Vanilla Bean Macaron is a timeless classic.

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Grab Sugar, Almond Flour, Powdered Sugar & Flavours > Fridge; Grab Eggs > Mix > Pipe onto Tray > Bake > Pipe Fillings

  • Cappuccino Macaron
  • Chocolate Macaron
  • Lemon Curd Macaron
  • Matcha Macaron
  • Orange and Passionfruit Macaron
  • Raspberry Pistachio Macaron
  • Salted Caramel Macaron
  • Vanilla Bean Macaron


Indulge in our premium mochi selection, featuring Black Tea, Mango, and Matcha flavors. Each bite is a perfect balance of texture and flavour, inviting you to slow down and savor the moment!

Mixer Bowl > Shelves; Rice Flour, Cornstarch, Flavours & Sugar > Water (From Kettle) > Mix > Place on Tray > Chill > Finish

  • Black Tea Mochi
  • Mango Mochi
  • Matcha Mochi
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