Key combinations ALT-1 and ALT-2 never make it to the game when playtesting


When using the keyboard combinations ALT-1 and ALT-2, the combination never makes it to the game for interpretation while playtesting. When I clear the keybinds in Studio, the problem resolves. There used to be a setting along the lines of using Studio shortcuts while playtesting, but that seems to have gone away as the setting has disappeared. This was working fine last week. Just noticed it this morning. I checked the release notes back to release 600 (current release 604) and there is no mention of this even though there was multiple studio updates between last Wednesday and Saturday.

What I expect to happen is that ALT-1 and ALT-2 is passed to the game for processing. I also expect to be able to disable Studio keybinds while playtesting.

Field Value
Problem Area Studio
Component Settings, Keyboard Bindings, Playtesting Interaction
First Noticed Today (11 Dec 2023)
Last Time Working 5 Dec 2023
Impact Minor


Not really.


  1. Open the attached file in Studio.
  2. Start playtesting (I’ve been using Solo Playtest Mode).
  3. Make sure output window is open.
  4. Press left or right ALT keys
  5. While holding ALT, press 1 or 2.
  6. Observe results.


Studio - Keyboard, ALT-1.rbxl (53.1 KB)


Removing the keybinds for ALT-1 and ALT-2 in the Studio shortcut editor corrects the issue. They were set to something about constraint attachments.


The setting is called “Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus” and should still be there. Are you not seeing it in the Settings?

Also could you try enabling the Dragger QoL Improvements beta feature and check if it works under that? That should also resolve it. The QoL beta has a special affordance to always send keys 1-5 to the game regardless of the setting so that Studio shortcuts never get in the way of standard experience backpack behavior.

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Yep. I see it now, now that I know what it’s called, and it was checked. I was going nuts trying to figure out why ALT-1 and ALT-2 weren’t being registered in the game when the other combinations were. I knew I seen it before, I couldn’t remember what it was called. The cause of this one is my own idiocy.

Thank you for the help.


@tnavarts I thought it was fixed, but as I discovered, there’s still a problem. I’m not sure if it’s my code or if it’s a bug in Studio. I unchecked “Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus” and ALT-1 and ALT-2 still doesn’t work correctly. I had to go into the shortcut editor and remove them to get it to work. In other words, I had to apply the workaround. The place is published if you want to look at it.

You might have to join to group to access the game.