I have these types in a ModuleScript
export type Class<T> = {
new: () -> T
export type Component = {
componentData: ComponentData
export type ComponentData = {
entity: Entity?,
getEntity: (ComponentData) -> Entity?
export type ComponentClass<T> = Class<T> & {
getComponentName: () -> string
export type Entity = {
components: {[string]: Component},
addComponent: (ComponentClass<any>) -> nil,
getComponent: (string) -> Component,
removeComponent: (string) -> nil
export type InventoryComponent = Component & {
pSize: number,
pItems: {Item?},
setSize: (InventoryComponent, number) -> nil
export type Item = {
Elsewhere, I have a function (in a script that requires the above module, also set to --!strict
function inventorySetSize(self: Types.InventoryComponent, value: number)
self.pSize = value
On self.pSize
, I get a warning:
W000: (16,2) Expected type table, got 't1 where Component = {| componentData: ComponentData |} ; ComponentData = {| entity: nil | {| addComponent: ({| getComponentName: () -> string |} & {| new: () -> any |}) -> nil, ... 3 more ... |}, ... 1 more ... |} ; t1 = Component & {| pItems: {nil | {| |}}, pSize: number, setSize: (t1, number) -> nil |}' instead
Through some debugging attempts, I noticed that replacing self.pSize
with a getting statement like print(self.pSize)
gives another warning:
W000: (16,8) Type 't1 where Component = {| componentData: ComponentData |} ; ComponentData = {| entity: nil | {| addComponent: ({| getComponentName: () -> string |} & {| new: () -> any |}) -> nil, ... 3 more ... |}, ... 1 more ... |} ; t1 = Component & {| pItems: {nil | {| |}}, pSize: number, setSize: (t1, number) -> nil |}' does not have key 'pSize'
What this second error seems to be saying to me is that the type InventoryComponent
does not have the property pSize
. My definition of the type does, however.
What is going on here? Does this have to do with the fact that my types have cyclic references? If it is, should I not be doing that, or is it a bug? Or is it something else entirely which Iām just not seeing?