Key-value pair with value as empty table inaccessible


I have the following structure for some data in my game:

Furnishings = {
    Mood = {},
    Energy = {},
    Hunger = {},
    Decor = {},
    Special = {}
Secret = {},
StudioEssentials = {

However I can’t reference the Secret key at all, and when printing the data it appears to be non-existent.
P.S. What is shown above is how the data is structured by default, so the Secret key should always exist, though it’s value will not always be an empty table.

What I get when printing the data:
As seen above, Secret = {} is not present at all.

At first I thought it had to do with the value being an empty table (first thought was an empty table is evaluated as false), but I have other key-value pairs present where the value is an empty table.

Any help would be appreciate as I am stumped, thanks!

Can you show the code where you are printing the tables ?

As seen the Secret key doesn’t exist. I get nil

This is just a wild guess but try to add a ... like you did with StudioEssentials. All the other tables have initial items inside of them.

Issue still persists 30char30char

I’ve realised the cause of my problem. When a player joins the game for the first time, the data above gets overwritten, and I forgot to include the Secret key in the InitializeStudioData function.

Forgot this line even existed

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