Keyboard shortcuts wont work

I made a mistake while doing somthing and i could not undo it. I tried other keybinds and none of them work. I have done these:
Checked my keybinds

I cant do Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl D, Ctrl, X, ect. Although the keybinds work fine in the script editor

Also i cant reinstall studio. Last tiem i had to do that it took literally a week to install

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been having the same issues with nothing to work with, i know for a fact that to switch to the actual tools u no longer have to press control with it, you can just select the number of between 1 and 4 and you’ll scroll through the tools.

They updated the hotkeys in studio actually, if you wanna disable it and recover using (Ctrl) you can disable the beta features > Dragger Qol. You can rebind your keybind’s in File > Advanced > Customize shortcuts…