Keyboard / Textbox GUI


I have a keyboard GUI, and how can i make the following:

If i click a number, then in the Textbox, the number i typed appears.

Thank you to anyone who can help me!

You can make this possible using a table.

local numbers = {
	Zero = 0,
	One = 1,
	Two = 2,
	Three = 3,
	Four = 4,
	Five = 5,
	Six = 6,
	Seven = 7,
	Eight = 8,
	Nine = 9

game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function (input, gameProcessedEvent)
	if gameProcessedEvent then return end

	local number = numbers[input.KeyCode.Name]
	if not number then
		return -- Exit function, the input was not a number.
	-- Do something with the number
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It looks like this, but it doesnt work for me.

Or i just dont know where to put the scripts cause im not to good in that xd

Are there any errors in console? If so, please post a screenshot. (See Output tab.)

No errors. The script you sent is in the Input.

That is the problem. UserInputService only works in LocalScripts. You need to put the code in a LocalScript. :slight_smile:

Ohhh, im not really good in knowing that.

I changed it into a Localscript, but when i click the Number it still doesnt appear in the TextBox

Oh! You meant clicking the number, not typing it. The way it was worded, I thought you were looking for a script that allows you to type numbers in. My mistake for misunderstanding. In that case, the script should go as follows:

local numbers = {
	Zero = 0,
	One = 1,
	Two = 2,
	Three = 3,
	Four = 4,
	Five = 5,
	Six = 6,
	Seven = 7,
	Eight = 8,
	Nine = 9

local UI = script.Parent.Parent
local Input = script.Parent

for _, element in ipairs(UI:GetChildren()) do
	if element:IsA("TextButton") then
		element.Activated:Connect(function ()
			Input.Text = Input.Text .. numbers[element.Name]

No problem, and thank you so much!!!

I have another question, i have a button to clear the text.
But it doesnt work, cause when i click the numbers, the text Value is “” so nothing.

Can you help me with a button so if i click it, it removes all the numbers i typed in.
Thank you.

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