I’m trying to animate a door by using an AnimationController and I’ve gotten pretty far, but whenever I’ve uploaded the animation the keyframes use the wrong Easing direction even though they appear completely fine in the editor.
It’s not an issue with uploading because I’m able to re-download the uploaded animations and view them completely fine in the editor.
When I convert the animations to CurveAnimations they work completely fine in-game, but I don’t wanna have to do that in order to animate.
Here is a video clip of the issue.
It appears to be swapped the In/Out Easing directions for some reason. I have no idea how to fix this.
This is the rig.
The contents of the testing script is:
local Animator = script.Parent.AnimationController.Animator
local Animation = Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Animations.TESTTTT)
I’m hoping this is an actual issue and not just me being “not so smart” at the early hours in the morning, because the last thing I need right now is to look stupid.