The bug occurred on studio version 0.490.0.4900359 using Windows 10 x64.
Beta features enabled:
Terrain QoL
UI Stroke
Expected Behavior
To not get the warning when I press stop
Actual Behavior
I get the warning when I press stop
Issue Area: Studio Issue Type: Other Impact: Low Frequency: Very Rarely Date First Experienced: 2021-08-14 00:08:00 (-05:00) Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-14 00:08:00 (-05:00)
Just go the same error.
Doing the same steps, stopping play solo and pressing the Stop button.
Roblox Studio Version 0.490.0.4900359 (64bit)
All Beta Features are enabled other than Safe Studio Updates and Terrain Tools
OS: Win10 64bit
In TeamCreate
Was doing nothing that I have been doing for days and hours before hand.
One possible item of note was that prior to seeing this warning I had to shut Studio down and restart because it stopped responding to keyboard inputs. All other application accept input fine so I closed Studio and reopened the project.
Have you tried this on an empty baseplate will all plugins disabled. I am unable to reproduce the warning. Its also worth noting that this string appears nowhere either inside Studio, or the TranslationString file
Plugins misreport the Edit state when they’re running outside of the local debugger, very likely that’s happening here. This is actually a Roblox error. Wonder why its not in the EXE binary
Hey, thanks for the report, this is my error! I added it because it would be very helpful if you could figure out how exactly to reproduce it.
I can’t reproduce simply by playing solo and stopping. Could you share what plugins you have enabled or try with all plugins disabled? Are you doing anything else? Does literally just pressing play solo and pressing stop without doing anything else inbetween trigger it or do you have to walk around / do something else during the session?
As far as what I have to do to trigger it, I’m still not sure. It’s happened twice (afaik), but I don’t think I have to run around for it to happen (our game doesn’t use Roblox characters anyways, so I don’t know if that helps at all). It doesn’t appear to be consistent yet, as I can’t seem to trigger it atm.
Is it related to tracking user input? I’ll try to keep a closer eye on it and take note of what I was doing when I see it next.
TL;DR: From our analytics I can tell that we’re somehow getting garbage mismatched events very rarely (KeyUp without KeyDown and similar) in an unexpected context, but I’ve never been able to reproduce myself, and never had anyone report the errors that the issue created prior to this thread.
Sorry for the disruption but I’m going to leave the warning on for a bit longer to see if someone is able to recognize a way to repro it. I’ll turn it off reasonably shortly so bear with me for now.
Oh it doesn’t bother me at all, nor does it cause any problems. I was just surprised to see it in my output. I believe it probably comes from the lag that happens when the sessions starts terminating. Whatever processes the keydown from my mouse is probably missing it due to that lag, causing the keyup to not have a pair.
Hey, I’ve also got this problem recently. I was working on a module called “UIS_Plus”. It uses a module that is pretty much a ripoff of Quenty’s Signal module. Quite vague but should be understandable with the code:
-- Signal
--[[ Information
This module is a module for creating custom events.
That's it.
local Signal = setmetatable({}, {})
Signal.__index = Signal
-- Constructors
local RBXScriptSignal = setmetatable({}, Signal)
RBXScriptSignal._Event ='BindableEvent')
return RBXScriptSignal
-- Methods
function Signal:Wait()
return self._Event.Event:Wait()
function Signal:Connect(Function)
return self._Event.Event:Connect(Function)
function Signal:Fire(...)
return Signal
-- UIS_Plus
local Module = setmetatable({}, {})
Module.__index = {}
local Signal = require(script.Signal)
Module.MouseButton1Click =
Module.MouseButton2Click =
local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService')
UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, UI_Interacting)
if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
return Module
-- LocalScript
local UIS_Plus = require(game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild('UIS+'))
After doing some clicks, when closing the test session, the warning message appears.