Keywords anywhere can break script editor fold

If any code, including a comment, has a scope starter keyword in it, such as “function”, “do”, “then” or so on, the script editor will detect this and not close the outer scope when you click it.

Reproduction code:

local function name()
	-- do

Now you can’t fold the name function because of “do”.

This also means that comments can end a scope and be included in a fold it should not be, such as:

if true then
	-- end
	-- test

This will cause the second comment and actual end keyword not to be folded.

Same thing goes for multi-line comment syntax.

This doesn’t just apply to comments, then in elseif statements that are syntactically valid can also break the function’s fold:

function main()
    if true then
	elseif false then

This, meanwhile, though syntactically invalid, will fold correctly:

function main()
    if true then
	elseif false

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