Kick message not going onto new lines

Hey - I have a script that sets a kick message

(it shows that it should have new lines here)
but when you are actually kicked there isn’t any
does anyone know why this is happening?


in a recent roblox update, they removed the new line command from kick messages.


Weird, documentation didn’t tell about new line in kick whole time!

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Why though
is there any other way of doing it?

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It seems like it got removed, temporarily hopefully:

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Use \n where you want to start a new line, Roblox made kick messages bad tho


no they just removed that feature.

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this sucks, I hope that they bring this feature back. it’s very unhelpful to not be able to use \n in kick messages anymore. I suppose I can make a custom kick ui


Pretty sure exploiters are just going to bypass that, not recommended.

You can however delete their character, put them on a “kicked” table and make sure they can’t do anything but look at your kick screen.

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In this case that you have outlined, there would be the issue that the user in question wouldn’t actually leave the server, and if the server is full then it would prevent other people from joining in. I did finish with my custom kick script, and while less than ideal, what I have it do is the server fires a RemoteEvent to the Client to display the kick message with a given reason. If no reason is provided, it just displays the default “You have been kicked from the server.” From there, I set the player’s walk speed and jump power to zero for aesthetic purposes, wait a couple of seconds, and then simply crash the player’s Client. In the event that an exploiter has bypassed this since it’s all done on the Client, I have the Server wait an additional couple of seconds, and then the Server will initiate a kick at that time. Also it gets the crashed player out of the server so that server space is available and the other players aren’t just staring at a frozen character. While I realize that crashing a player can be obnoxious for them, it’s the best solution I could find to remove a player without displaying Roblox’s default kick message. Destroying the player from PlayerService also destroys their GUI, so that wouldn’t work either, if you were thinking about that.

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I’ve found a solution similar to this some time ago.