Kick message stopped working with \n

Im not arguing, I’m simple telling you why making your own custom kick isn’t a good idea. Not using new line in this situation isn’t even critical and he could simply write a kick message without it.

All I did was provide him with a possible workaround and now you’re arguing with me. I am not going to reply to anything else you are going to say after this post. You are wasting my time, while I only want to help others.

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Other notes:

Network ownership is the handling of physics distributed to clients to prevent server from being overworked

It’s not a bad idea. Natively the Kick function (if server sided) does all of this for you (you cant send chats when ur player object doesnt exist :sweat: :sob: :broken_heart: )

Im just saying that using :Kick() is much reliable and simpler than his idea. I’m not even arguing here.


prevents any changes to Player’s character.

Remove the character, not the Player.

And why would you do this instead of removing them from the game as a whole? Im sure you can make a kick message without line breaks :sweat:

I do agree with @334901766 now. I do not understand why you would not kick them

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That is what i’m saying. Why have a complicated “kick system” where the player is still in the game? You’re doing wayyy more than what you need to do just for some simple break lines.


As I said earlier, this is only a possible workaround, not a place to argue. IF he wants to display a nice formatted message, he may use the workaround I suggested. He can kick if he wants to. My workaround was never intended for you or @ 334901766 (not mentioned on purpose). I never intended to argue about any of this. I suggest you stay out of this from now on.

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Dev forum is a place to help and give feed back and that is what I’m doing. I have no intent to argue with anyone here. Yes, it’s a great idea but it requires a lot of checks which would get really annoying at times.

And this is a bug report channel and not a place for support. I’m just here to let him know that this is not a bug and after seeing your idea, I just wanted to give some feedback. Not saying it’s bad, but it’s more complicated than needed just for new lines.

You have been the least helpful here and have been very argumentative. When you make many replies saying nothing new but insisting that you’re right regardless of what is said, that’s being argumentative. It’s especially annoying when you’re also wrong. Please save all of us some time and stop replying.

All chat messages have to pass through the server so if the server simply rejects all of these from one client, that would effectively mute the player. Chat is not “client sided”, it is entirely server sided. I’m not sure where you got that from.

The player can not force a character to be made for them. They cannot create instances and have them replicate so if the server refuses them a character then that is that. This was the whole point of filtering enabled. To give developers more power against exploits.

They would still be able to call remote functions and remote events but putting checks on all of those on the server side to make sure they can only be called if the player hasn’t been sudo kicked would solve that.

I’m not too worried about them taking up a slot in the server since this would be in a lobby place with 50 max players

Overall, not a bad workaround @incognitobot_rblx but it seems like something I’d probably want to have in mind from the start of development since it would take some active effort to make sure they cannot mess with anything. Overall, it’s stupid that I should have to consider this at all. It would be nice if the out-of-the-box solution offered me some basic formatting options.


Your entire string of comments have been taken to very heavily imply that you thought he was wrong and that was he said was a bad idea. If that was not your intention, you’re going to need to learn to be more clear about what you mean.

I understand that this is a bug report section. I posted here because I thought this was a bug. It has been marked as solved on @incognitobot_rblx 's comment because he actually told me what happened and linked a source. You did not. Your comments did not help me much. They left me more confused than anything. @incognitobot_rblx offered me some actual understanding and “let me know” anything.

@OnceCrowned Kick message stopped working with \n - #28 by OnceCrowned
This is what I plan to do. I’m just going to make due. @incognitobot_rblx 's workaround seems to be the best but it’s still absurd that I should even have to consider going to those lengths for something so simple. This is an issue with Roblox. I don’t care what exploit they found, they should have found a proper solution instead of limiting me like this. If the problem was that some people were adding so many new lines that the “leave” button would go off-screen then simply limit the number of new-line characters to 5 or something.


I firmly believe you should not have to create your own kick system. This is not an issue with roblox, this is more of an issue with your preferences. You do not need linebreaks that badly.

You do you. Just be advised: its not worth it for a few linebreaks. There will likely be issues and unnecessary problems with your kick system that could easily be solved by using Kick()

I don’t understand why they don’t just add a scrolling frame with automatic canvas scaling on. It’s the easiest solution rather then disabling kick messages entirely. OR EVEN A CHARACTER LIMIT would work.

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What do you think the character limit should be?

I think they also added a character limit of something like 200 characters or something really low like that. It’s that on top of no longer allowing new lines that kind of drives me nuts.

After reading over this whole thing, the arguments of custom kick vs. system kick are kind of moot. You can make your own, pretty kick screen, give them some time to read it, then kick the player after a timeout or let them leave gracefully, etc. If newlines were causing exploits, you better believe we would rather have it disabled until it can either can be changed in the future or let us make our own kick screen. I think most of us here would probably whip up a kick screen and timeout kick system quite quickly. :wink:


Alternatively, you can teleport the player to a reserved server of a separate place and display your kick GUI (either by using SetTeleportGui or simply displaying the GUI after teleporting).

You get full security while being able to display whatever you want.


This is probably the best solution though a cheater might be able to resist teleporting and stay in the original server so I’d probably have to also have a timeout at which point it :kick()s them. Honestly, all of this is kind of ridiculous to me. The “exploit” was likely players being unable to click the “leave” button because a developer could push it off-screen with a million new lines. I wish they could have found a more elegant solution than this. This was done months ago so you’d think if this was just a temporary fix that they would have solved it properly by now.

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Closing this thread as this is intended behavior.