Kicking off the Summer of Docs!

Thanks for reporting this, this issue should be fixed now.


This is a bit misleading.

Roblox’s share is definitely, greater than 7.1% and should combine the 24.2% (Platform Hosting and Support) and 17.0% (Platform Investment). In total, Roblox gets about 48.3% and developers would get around 29.3%. I think it’s a bit silly to pretend that “Platform Investment” is separate from Roblox’s share when the aim of any company long term is to invest in it’s own strategy.

What doesn’t make sense is that this is extremely broad. Developer’s lose money due to server / platform costs that affect the entire platform and not just their game. If you were to think about that for a second, each developer is paying a lot more per server than the actual servers or users Roblox is serving on their behalf.

I think Roblox has ~66 million active users per month. 24.2% covers all of that. If you take the amount of users that you have (roughly), the developer would be overcharged because they won’t need that much platform hosting and support. This percent / cost would differ from a 100 active user game vs. a 100K active user game. Even though, according to this, they’re charged the exact same per dollar. For clarification, more robux earned equals more money provided. Since larger games make more robux, they’re paying a lot more as part of that 24.2%. A large bulk of that cost is sustained by those game. It’s a very radical offset to account for free users and covering their costs.

Same could be said about the App Store Fees. If a developer doesn’t have a game on either of those platforms (Xbox, Mobile), you’re still paying 22.3%. If you are only supporting one platform such as mobile, you’re paying for all fees elsewhere. Paying for services you don’t actually use / touch is taking a lot of money away from the developer. This isn’t an insurance-based platform so, there’s no real reason that justifies paying for it if your game doesn’t use it.

Platform Investment fee is a bit weird here. Taking 17% of profit is more like a developer fee to be on the platform.

I wish there was an option to de-tether away from cloud hosting provided by Roblox to get some of that back. Unfortunately, if there was… this would be like any other game engine out there. It would be way more beneficial if developers were charged on a game-cost basis and not a platform-wide basis.



By the way, these code samples include some minor grammar mistakes and hashtags.

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thanks! we’ll fix this as soon as we can


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