Kidomaru the Cursed Blade accessory's particles do not properly follow accessory while in motion

Kidomaru the Cursed Blade is a back accessory sword that is unique, as it has fire particles that engulf it’s blade. However, this effect is broken while your character is moving ingame, causing the particle to instead leave an odd trail behind your character. Below is a visual example of the described issue:

The fix to this issue with the particle effect not properly following the blade is simple. The LockedToPart property within the ParticleEmitter objects should be enabled to ensure that the particles are constantly in proper alignment with the accessory. Below is how the particle effect behaves when the LockedToPart property is enabled:

(Thank you to Alpkurt2 for providing the visual examples used in this report)

Expected behavior

The fire particles should constantly be in proper alignment with the blade part of this accessory.


As an owner of this item I prefer the particle effects trailing behind you instead of being static on the blade…