Kigali - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This section includes some of our more frequently asked questions that we receive. If you find that your question is unanswered in this guide, feel free to contact an available MR or HR for further assistance.
Questions & Answers
Q1) When are our sessions hosted?
Interviews/Trainings are hosted daily, interviews are hosted on a Friday-Sunday basis.
Q2) I’m currently a trainee, how do I get promoted?
You earn promotions by attending and passing trainings. To be promoted to Junior Barista, you need a minimum of 6 total points at the end of training. To be promoted to Barista, you need minimum 8 total points. To be promoted to Senior Barista, you need minimum 10 total points (everything correct). Once you have reached the rank of Senior Barista, take a look at the for more details on how to begin your journey to SA.
Q3) I passed my training, but I wasn’t promoted. What should I do?
In the event that this happens, you should try to contact the staff member that passed you as soon as possible. If you cannot reach them, contact any of our HRs about your situation, and we will look into it as quickly as we can.
Q4) Do you need to wear/have “aesthetic” clothing or username, or have robux to be promoted to SA?
No, this is a long running myth of Kigali that we only hire aesthetic SBs. This is untrue and we never take into consideration your outfit (unless it’s inappropriate) when determining if you’re right for a promotion!
Approved by Kigali HRs