Kill Gui Not Working

So right now I’m Trying to make a Gui so i can kill a player. The problem is that I’m using a local script. How would I get the same output but with a script so it resets that player on everyones device? here is the script


Wait, so I don’t understand what you are asking. You are saying that if you press that GUI it kills the player, but only on the person device?

I have a text box and when I type someones name in, I want it to reset there character

Maybe try to change it to a script and not a local script.

I tried that and it doesn’t work. I don’t even get a error.

And when you test it on someone else, it kills them for your screen but not their?

Yes and but when I kill myself it shows on both.

You would want to use a remoteevent, fire it, then make it kill the player server sided.


Okay i will Try that right now.

@Gamerforyou12 provided the solution, but you should know that using a RemoteEvent to kill people can be abused by exploiters.

In your serverside script, add this:

if Player.Name ~= “maturegotit” then

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Simply just revert said event onto a remote event, instead of keeping it local. Create a string value under the button which revers to the players name, and inside a server script do:

   if script.PlayerName.Value ~= nil then
   game.Players:FindFirstChild(script.PlayerName.Value).Chararter.Humanoid.Health = 0

The value should be a StringValue by the way.


Also if it doesnt work with ~= nil please just change it to = not nil!

Thanks - Scriptuyter

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