King Land Theme Park Update Logs & Information

King Land Theme Park

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Table of Contents

:ledger: About Us

King Land Theme Park is a theme park game on Roblox, that allows users to roleplay at a Theme Park. You can:

  • :video_game: Operate rides
  • :dancing_women: Meet new people
  • :handshake: Make new friends
  • :man_construction_worker::briefcase: Become staff!
  • :question: And more!

:building_construction: King Land Theme Park Revamp

King Land Theme Park is receiving a MASSIVE revamp. Leaks can be found below.

Why are we revamping?

We are revamping because the main game is outdated, and is kind of a mess.

Are we able to play the revamp now?

Unfortunately, the revamp is not publicly accessible until it is finished.

Will we still be able to visit the main game?

Yes, we will make a teleporter that teleports you to the old main game when the revamp is completed.

:briefcase: Staff Guide

King Land Theme Park offers users the opportunity to become a staff at the theme park!

There are multiple ways to get staffโ€ฆ

  • You can buy the staff game pass for robux.
  • Or you can operate a ride for in-game cash.

In-game cash can be earned by playing the game for a while.

:bell: Update Logs

The update logs will ONLY contain new updates starting now.

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