Knight of Heights - 末日之主 (Random scene I made)

I just randomly decided to test out Moon Animator 2’s capabilities for more miscellaneous stuff, specifically thumbnail.

So I remade the art most commonly associated with (or at the very least, the one I most see attatched) the song “Knight of Nights” (Or is it Night of Knights, or maybe even Night of Nights, not really sure to be honest) from the touhou project, but with a Swordfight on the Heights theme. I really like how this turned out tbh.

(sorry the comparison is so blurry, I couldn’t find a more high quality version)

I used billboard guis for the text and ring of fire behind the character, which was a big mistake because I had to reposition everything about 10 times over, but I think it was cool nonetheless.

The “Doomsire” character is inspired by many different aspects of old Roblox (An era that I am obsessed with, despite joining way after it’s end), specifically the popular style of game at the time, swordfighting.

Other aspects like his name are derived from “Doomspire” (I am really proud of this pun lol) and to top it all off, I gave him the check it face, because why not.

Also the Chinese characters in the image roughly translate to sixteen heights (small text) and Doomsire (BIG TEXT). And in the original image it translates roughly to sixteen nights (small text) and Sakuya (BIG TEXT) It took forever to figure out what these characters translated to in the first place (let alone figuring out how puns should work in other languages, I just gave up and typed “Doomsire” in google translate eventually lol) so I wanted to mention it here

Let me know if I did the source material and time period justice in this, I spent a good while on it.


It looks neat! But uhh… I think you posted in the wrong category.

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They say this is a place to showcase stuff, including artwork (I guess this is technically artwork). Honestly wasn’t sure where else to post it lol

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Try creations feedback, that’s where people usually post stuff that they made to get looks and feedback on it.

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should I delete or close this one after?

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u can just edit your post to change the topic… also i’m pretty sure it’s Nights of Nights

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They changed Night to Knight to fit the theme.

i was talking about the touhou song

Yes, I know the song, but my point still stands.

Oh wait I know what you mean. You were just telling OP the correct name because they don’t know it themselves.

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i think you captured the era really, really well

the black iron crown is a really nice touch and the stud/inlet textures on the rig make it look like how old school games didnt know how to pose npcs without breaking the character mesh which is also a nice detail

doomsire’s design language fits well with what a swordfighter/brickbattlermay have worn at the time, and the ring of fire tshirt brings a nice contrast to the black

overall i think you did an amazing job and it’s nice to see that people still care about this era of roblox


This thumbnail looks great! Nice job on it!


I really like the design but I feel like the text could fill up more space in the artwork.

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Honestly, I think the black iron crown is my favorite part of his design, it’s a perfect way to show that this guy is really a master at sword fighting.

I couldn’t figure out how to make the text bigger than the max of 100 lol. There’s probably some gui object that will magically be the answer to it but it was the best I could do after like 15 minutes of trying to figure it out :skull:

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