Welcome, your probably here because you joined the Knights of the Round Table! Here you will meet new friends, fight against rebels, and have fun!
Rank Structure:
Youngling: A member who just joined. Go to a training to become a Apprentice.
Apprentice: A member who just passed a training and most likely has experience at working at the Border.
Knight: A official member of the military and has some command at the border.
Archer: A elite marksmen you have proven yourself worthy of the rank of Archer.
Elder Knight: You have survived many battles and for that I bestow the honor of Elder Knight upon you. You make sure the Border is operating smoothly.
Elite Knight: You have shown your strength and made sure your enemies fear you. You now work alongside Elder Knights giving them orders to tell to their troops.
Officer in Training: You did it you become a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) You now are on the path to become a official officer.
Officer Corps:
Sub Lieutenant: You have passed the Officer Test and became a Sub Lieutenant. Your job now is to host training’s, Attend Officer Meetings, and host Border Patrols. All while keeping the soldiers in check.
Lieutenant: You passed the Officer Course part 2 you now have the same job as Sub Lieutenants but have more command over others.
Captain: You hosted 2 events and passed the Captains exam and are now a Captain. You now may host Officer Meetings, attend Senior Officer Meetings, and give orders to your Lieutenants and below.
High Command:
Lieutenant Commander: You now have the task of hosting Senior Officer Meetings, Keeping everything in order around the Border, and Giving orders to your Captains and below.
Commander: You have been chosen to become a Commander. You, the Supreme Commander, and Knights of the Round Table may meet with the King to discuss Battle Tactics, problems around the border, And things to add at the Border. You now may be protected by a squadron of Royal Guards.
Supreme Commander: You now are the Supreme Commander of the military. You command all of the military while speaking with the King.
Merlin: The trusted wizard and friend of the King. You and your fellow Knights of the Round Table meet with King to discuss how to improve the Kingdom.