Knights of The Sun Lore [Part 6]: The Great Mount Aurelius

The years begin in at Z.E. (Zarek Area). The time before that is know as B.Z.E. (Before Zarek Era).

Eclipsus’ Beginning (B.Z.E. 3589-3599) [Many years before the birth of William Solarias.]

Many years ago when Sun Lord Athi of the Avorian Dynasty was still in power, a young man rose through the ranks of the Knights of the Sun. This man’s name was Eclipsus Rimino. Eclipsus was horned by many, and his fame spread across the land as he became one of the Sun’s best-known generals. But as he became older, he also became jealous of the Sun Lord’s power. After many years of severing the Sun, he decided to use his legendary strategy skills for evil.

The Revolution (B.Z.E 3600)

Many people backed Eclipsus in the fight for the throne. With that support Eclipsus built an army and attacked Ignus. A huge battle began, and many died, but finally… Eclipsus was defeated and thrown into the great prison, Strangler Lupzont (This means the Chocking Wolf in Ovum).

A Rude Awakening (Z.E. 3683)

Now… we left off at the destruction of the most of the Ovum Forces. We are now picking back up 1 year after that. There had been much peace in the land of Eshia. Other than the normal bandit raids, no threat faced the cities of the Sun. Many new recruits also joined the Knights of The Sun, such as Vox Sur’thek, Vill The Sunflower (an actual sunflower), Tod Frogson (toadman), Ray Ythor, Hino (Hi), Hiro Genshoto, and many others. Many of them were very skilled. And skill is one thing they would need a lot of for the next quest that they would go on…

The General’s Messenger, and the Destruction of Midus Outpost:

The day began like any other at the Midus Forest Outpost. Trainees were training has usual. It seemed as if it would be a normal day, however, it wouldn’t stay that way. Well after noon, as the trainees were practicing their agility, a man in armor and a mask approached out of the forest. At first no one seemed to notice other than William and Hex, but as he got closer the trainees noticed too.

Hex stepped forwards and said aloud, “Greetings traveler! I believe you have stumbled far from your path! This is the Midus Forest Outpost of the Knights of The Sun. Civilians are not usually allowed here.” The man stopped at first to listen, but then continued on his way towards the group. “That is as far as you come!” Hex said, drawing his sword, but before Hex could do anything William stepped in front of him.

“Hold on Hex.” He said. “He has our armor on.” As the man got closer, Hex could see more clearly the armor he wore. William was right. It was their armor; armor of the sun. “Are you a Knight of the Sun?”

Finally the man stopped. Then, he spoke. “I am not. I am with the true ruler of this land. General Eclipsus.” Both William and Hex were shocked by the name. “He wishes to let you know, that the prison you put him in is no longer… functional. He has escaped, and he would like me to give you a gift.” He raised his hands to the sky, and then muttered something under his breath. After this his hands ignited with fire. “Taste… the power of the General. The General, who shall become the Sun Lord. No… not who will become, but who is the Sun Lord!” Then, before anyone could do anything, a huge explosion shot out from his body and turned everything it touched into ashes. With a quick though, William turned around and made a shield with Sun Magic that protected many of the knights. Although some were not in range, and they perished. William could not put his body into the shield, and he was hit and injured, but he did not die. Still, the heat of the blast was to much for everyone, even those inside of the shield and they all fainted.

Waking Up to the Destruction:

When everyone started to awake, it was too late for Midus. The whole outpost was burnt down, and nothing was left. The knights looked at the ashes with dismay. It was all gone. They later all traveled to a different outpost and planned their course of action.

Mount Aurliues (Z.E. 3683)

Many weeks later William and knights chose to investigate the disappearance of a four man patrol they had sent to the north-eastern border; a land that had once been owned by the Ovum, but had been taken at around Z.E. 3327 (around 360 years ago) and never been inhabited by Eshians. There were some inhabitances however, like the Yonshay Tribe. A tribe of people who were related to the Ovum but were not involved in their politics. They lived in the old fashion ways of the ancient Ovum Empire.

The Discovery of The Patrol:

The knights investigated some of the forest for around a day, but their search wasn’t in vain, for they found the missing patrol. Sadly… none of them were alive. Inside of the cabin the patrol had made, there was a huge mess and multiple weapons, along with the body of one of it’s members. On his body there seemed to be signs of dark magic. After this they located the other three, with similar signs of dark magic.

As William and the knights were puzzling over the mystery, they were ambushed, and were all knocked out.

The Yonshay’s Story:

A few hours later, they all found themselves held captive by the Yonshay. Luckily William was able to talk to their chief, whose name was Bandphalin, and have them released. William learned about a group of magic monks who had came to their village and helped them for years. But recently in the past few weeks they had left during the night. Bandphalin was sure that the monks had traveled up the mountian. After they left an avalanche from the mountain began, that had been going on ever since. The avalanche was causing the Yonshay trouble (by scaring off many of the animals that they hunted) so they decided to hike up the mountain and figure out what happened, but many as they got closer, the avalanches got worse and many of Bandphalin’s men died, Bandphalin’s very own son was amoung the dead. Because the monks had probably went up the mountain, and because the Yonshay were in need of help, William took his knight up the mountain. Many knights died because of the dangerous conditions, but they finally made it. And atop the mountain, there sat a large fortress.

The Fortress:

Because the main door was locked, William the and the knights chose to sneak into the fortress, but were soon discovered. As they suspected, the monks had retreated to the mountain, but why? Vill the Sunflower noticed that they all had strange helmets, but no one could discover what they were for.

The monks, although mysterious did not seem evil. Later, William and the knights learned that it was because of an evil fire sorcerer name Seerigos that they left the Yonshay, and came up here. Apparently Seerigos was working for a man in golden lion armor. Then they told them that he had made them the helmets so that they had to do whatever he said, or they would die. Sadly, Seerigos heard what was being said and smited the monks who had talked to William and the knights. Then, he threw us into his dungeon, and said, “Now… I shall go and destroy that pesky Yonshay village once and for all!” And with that, he took his monks down the mountain.


Now in a horrible position, William and his knights chose to break out of the jail, thus they searched all around. Finally they discovered an old passage that lead to the hallway. While they were going through the hallway, Vox noticed a large engraving on the wall. It read: “To end the Fire Sorcerer, you must say, “Lumino Silvana!” all at once with.” Finding this strange, William wrote it down and then they continued on their way.

As they got outside they realised that they were at least a day’s journey behind Seerigo’s forces if they had walked. But maybe there was another way. And indeed there was. At the back of the fortress there was a large hill, with many sleds. Of course, this option was much faster, but was also much more dangerous. But in the end the knights took the risk, and they went down the hill. Finally they had made it off of the mountain.

The Fight Against Seerigos:

The Knights rushed to the village, but when they got there, it nearly all destroyed. Seerigos had burnt it all. Thankfully, some Yonshay survived and ran into the forest. Now it was finally time to defeat the evil sorcerer. The battle was a fierce one. At first Seerigos started off on the ground, but after the knights did enough damage to him, he sprouted wings from his back and took flight. William used his Sun Magic to follow, and there was a huge battle of lights and lava in the sky. Many of the knights had to jump around so not to be hit with lava splats.

Sadly, because William was still injured from the explosion at Midus, Seerigos was able to incapacitate him and he fell to the ground. Then Seerigos focused back on the rest of the knights. With his power he was able to destroy many of their forces, and it seemed hopeless. But then Hex remembered something… After retreating for awhile all the knights returned and yelled… “Lumino Silvana” all in unison.

Seerigos looked shocked, and then his foot began to turn to stone. He was freezing up! He let out a scream of rage, and tried to fly away, but the spell was already effecting him. As he flew higher and higher, his body turned from scorching lava to frozen stone. And then, he was turned completely into rock, and his body plummeted down. Finally, it hit the ground and he shattered into thousands of little pieces on the ground. The day was won.

The Aftermath:

After this, Bandphalin and a group of survivors emerged from the forest, hurt, but alive. Because their home was destroyed, William offered them a spot at Ignus village and they gladly accepted. The monk’s helmets also came off, and those who were loyal also came. (Those who stilled supported Seerigos were imprisoned.) Finally… William, Hex, Cursed, and all of their knights returned home to Ignus.

What trials shall happen next?

That Night...

The night after the William and his knights left for Ignus with the Yonshay a large man in glowing, golden armor came up to the sad pile of stone that was once Seerigos.

“You have failed me.” The man said. And he bent down and place his hand upon the top of the pile. Then his hand began to glow, and a golden light was sucked into it. The armored man had collected Seerigo’s Suraa.

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