Knights of The Sun Lore [Part 7]: Arriving In The Blundoor Coast

The years begin in at Z.E. (Zarek Area). The time before that is know as B.Z.E. (Before Zarek Era).

A Call From The East (Z.E. 3683) [2 months after the Mount Aurelius Adventure]

For many months after the journey to Mount Aurelius things remained normal for the Knights Of The Sun. However, as Sun Lord William and the knights were just getting comfortable in the rebuilt Midus-Neo outpost, they got many disturbing messages. These messages were from the Eastern Blundoor coast of Eshia. One such letter went like this:

"Sun Lord William Solarias. We request you and your knight’s help as soon as possible. Many of our supply ships have been going missing while they were out in the sea. These supply ships are one of the key delivers of supplies such as food and weapons. Some of the missing ships are event battle ships that. Please come as soon as you can, for we have also been seeing what we think are pirate ships.

-Your friend Admiral Francis De Mantu."

So with these frightening requests on mind, William called up Sun Councilor Hulius (Julius Hex Hulius) and with his knights they marched to the Blundoor Coast.

The Journey To Wano Pairvel: The Great Port Town (Z.E. 3683)

The messages had all come from the towns around the coast. This included Wano Pairvel, one of the largest port cities in all of Eshia. This is where the knights journeyed to.

The Discovery Of Yuma

Along the way to Wano the knights planned on stopping at Yuma, a small fishing village located about 24 miles from their destination. But when they got there… they discovered a sad sight. The Village was there, however it was burnt down and destroyed. It was a sad sight.

The Pirate Fort

They continued down the road for another 5 miles until they came across a strange looking fort. As they were deciding on what to do next, a man from on the top of the fort noticed them and yelled out: “Attackarrrs! Get 'em!” Then from the fort a group for 50 pirates jumped down and charged the knights.
They knights were not expecting this and many were knocked down, but after the realized what was happening, they began to fight and were able to push past the pirates into the fort. They fought the remaining pirates inside of the fort, and continued on the path.

The Mountain Pass

After this they ran into yet another obstacle. Infront of them there laid a large mountain with a white-water current going through the middle of it. They looked around for another path, but they saw none. They would have to climb through the gorge. Thus they did. When they had all mostly gotten through it was night. But they were only 1 mile away from Wano Pairvel, and they could see the great giant torches that lit up the dark night ocean for sailors. The decided to walk the rest of the way and end the journey.

The Old Man

The next day the Knights used the large telescope in the middle of the city to see if they could spot any ships. What they saw was a lot more than just one ship however. Far back in the horizon there sat a large island with a fleet of pirate ships on it. Hundreds of ships…

After this the knights asked around the city for someone to sail them there, but found no one. As the sun was getting low, they came into an old bar where an old sailor was. They asked him, but he seemed reluctant because of some accident that had taken the life of his daughter many years ago. Finally after much begging William was able to get the man to sail them.

-The End Of Part 1-