Knights of The Sun Lore [Part 8]: Sailing For The Island

The years begin in at Z.E. (Zarek Area). The time before that is know as B.Z.E. (Before Zarek Era).

Sailing To The Pirate’s Island (Z.E. 3683) [Two days after Part 7.]

Setting Off

After meeting, Codrane the knights had taken quite a liking to him, spending much time with him at the bar and around Wano Pairvel as the fleet they planned to sail in was being put together. Finally on the second day after they had arrived at the port the fleet was ready to go. They loaded up the ships with food, water, and other important things for the journey and then they hired crews for each of the ships. After this they set out with 20 ships, 253 knights, and 402 sailors.

The Jagged Path

The trip started off well, but around one mile off of the coast many large rocks and jagged peaks started to appear. As they saw this William went to Codrane.

“Codrane… what are those?” He asked.

“Well my boy, those are the great peaks of the Jagged Path. They have been causing trouble in this area of the coast for hundreds of years! But, we should be fine! Still let’s try and spread our ships out.” After saying this he went down into the hull of the ship, and then a few minutes afterwards he again came out with something in his hand. It seemed to be some sort of cone with many colored flags inside of it. “This is a signal that lets our ships communicate, its a sort of code. Every sailor should know it.” Then he raised the object into the air and press on the bottom. When he did so up came a large light blue flag. Almost immediately after that many green flags went out from the other ships indicating that they had understood the order. Then the ships spread out to avoid a crash.

They continued through the jagged peaks for a few more days until finally… the peaks cleared, the ships came together again, and a cry went out throughout the fleet:

“Land Ho! We’ve arrived!”

The Island

After a four-day journey they had reached the island. They landed the fleet on the beaches of the island and looked around. But when they were exploring they ran into an encampment of pirates. Before they could defeat all of them many pirates escaped into the forest and the knights had to hurry up into the mountains of the island.

Soon after they discovered an old cavern path. They followed this path until they came out of the cavern, and realized that they had accidently snuck into the back of the pirate’s island base. There were many buildings all around and the base seemed more like a pirate city! There were also hundreds of ships spanning much of the beach. Quickly they snuck into one of the buildings and disguised themselves as pirates. But as soon as they had all finished they heard a large voice boom: “All pirates! Captain Rotwinn Draun has news!”

The Captain’s Speech

They lined up with the rest of the pirates… and truly there were many. There had to be a whole army worth of pirates! The Captain meanwhile

"Alright boys! As you know, we will soon be sailing to the Eshian mainland and we will invade from the coast by order of the Verus Sun Lord, Sun Lord Eclipsus! (Verus means true, that is what many people had began to call Eclipsus as word of him had started to spread.) “But a few of your fellow pirates were attacked on the west side of the island. Some escaped and reported what had happened. I want you to keep an eye out for anyone or anything that you see is strange. Anyways, that is all! We will set out tomorrow! We will destro-” The captain stopped, mouth wide open, as he saw Codrane. He recognized him from long ago… “Get that man there!” Codrane looked around and but before he could do anything he was captured and taken away. “I want to speak with him personally.”

-End Of Part 2-