Knights of The Sun Weapon Guide [KTS]

Greetings, this is a guide on the weapons of our group, The Knights of The Sun.

Attack Damage is ranged like this: Powerful [50-100], Medium [20-49], Mild [0-19]
Speed is ranged like this: Fast, Medium, Slow.
Accuracy is ranged like this: Accurate, Hard To Hit, Random

The Linked Sword

Damage: Powerful
Speed: Medium
Ability: Lunge, allows you to lunge forward.
Accuracy: Accurate
More: Probably the best all around weapon.

The Star Smasher

Damage: Powerful
Speed: Medium
Ability: *Boosts your HP a little.
Accuracy: Random/Hard To Hit
More: Best for countering and getting close to Solar Flare.

The Sun Ray

Damage: Slice: Medium Lunge: Powerful
Speed: Slice: Fast Lunge: Slow
Ability: Allows you to change between slicing and lunging.
Accuracy: Accurate
More: Slice does quick little damage and Lunge does slow Powerful damage.

The Solar Flare

Damage: Normal: Medium Powered: Powerful
Speed: Normal: Medium Powered: Slow
Ability: **Makes your shots slower but more powerful. **
Accuracy: Hard To Hit
More: Is a ranged weapon. The ability charges up whenever you shoot, and lasts for 5 shots. You can land headshots.

There may be more weapons added in the future. I have to thank boomthefist for helping to check if my code would work, and for reworking the weapons to be better or more powerful.