You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? I want to access Gui from the controllers in knit but it’s bugging out on me
What is the issue? so basically I have tried to access gui by referencing StarterGui, it doesn’t work so I found out you had to reference PlayerGui. I did that but a bug keeps on occurring on KnitClient saying that it “experienced an error while loading”
What solutions have you tried so far? I changed everything I could using :WaitForChild and everything. When it didn’t bug the Gui just wouldn’t respond entirely.
Is there any way to fix this because I’ve spent half an hour trying to figure out what’s going on but nothing is happening, It’s getting quite annoying.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local GuiController = knit.CreateController {
Name = "GuiController",
local PlayerGui = player.PlayerGui
local ScreenGui = PlayerGui.ScreenGui
This is my code. I am using Knit framework. I think it’s the last line that is bugging out.
Maybe it’s me, but I don’t see you requiring Knit anywhere, also I recommend referencing PlayerGUI in your local script that starts Knit on the client, like that :
-- in the client script that starts knit
local Players : Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage : ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Knit = require(PATH.TO.KNIT)
local Player : Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui : PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui
local Mouse : Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
local Client = {}
Client.__index = Client
Client.KnitStart = os.clock()
@table Knit._CS
@brief A table that holds references to various services and objects.
Knit._CS = {
["Player"] = Player,
["PlayerGui"] = PlayerGui,
["Mouse"] = Mouse,
-- u can add more
@function AddControllersDeep
@brief Adds all the controllers from the Controllers folder to the Knit framework.
Knit.AddControllersDeep(ReplicatedStorage.Shared:WaitForChild("Controllers") :: Folder)
@function Start
@brief Starts the Knit framework with the provided server configuration.
@details This function initializes the Knit framework on the client side. It adds all the controllers from the ControllersFolder to the Knit framework, and then starts the framework. If the start is successful, it prints a message to the console. If there's an error during the start, it catches the error and prints an error message to the console.
@parameter table options A table of options for starting the Knit framework. The `ServicePromises` field is set to `false` in this case.
@return Promise A Promise that resolves when the Knit framework has started successfully, or rejects if there's an error.
Knit.Start({ServicePromises = false}):andThen(function()
warn(string.format("[Client] Knit started at %sms", (os.clock() - Client.KnitStart)))
warn("[Server] Failed to start Knit: " .. tostring(error))
Then in the controller you can reference player gui like this :
My code is in the module script. I only provided a small snippet but I did reference knit on the top. I’m still a bit of a beginner so please could you explain the code? Thanks.
First off, I don’t think a beginner should start using Knit, but sure I’ll explain how this works
Knit allows you to pass tables through Knit.[yourTable] = {}
and thats basically what we’re doing, we made a .CS table and we pass it through Knit, that allows us to access it on EVERY controller (not services this is client sided), in this example, in the table I pass Player & PlayerGui, that means you should be able to access it through a controller using this :
local PlayerGUI = Knit._CS.PlayerGui
-- in a controller btw
I can code a game with normal scripts. I’m just new to OOP and SSA and module scripts. I ran your code but I’ve still got the same error from my old code with yours. I’m starting to feel it’s a problem with knit
local RepStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local knit = require(RepStorage.Packages.Knit)
local GuiController = knit.CreateController {
Name = "GuiController",
local Interface : PlayerGui= knit._CS.PlayerGui
local Frame = Interface.Frame
local EditButton = Interface.TextButton
local DisapearFrame = Frame.DisapearFrame
local ArrowFrame = Frame.ArrowFrame
local MoveFrame = Frame.MoveFrame
local DisapearButton = Frame.Disapear
local MoveButton = Frame.Move
function GuiController.EditButton()
Frame.Visible = not Frame.Visible
function GuiController:KnitInit()
print("Guiservice initialised")
function GuiController:KnitStart()
print("Guiservice started")
return GuiController
local RepStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local knit = require(RepStorage.Packages.Knit)
local GuiController = knit.CreateController {
Name = “GuiController”,
function GuiController.EditButton()
local Frame = knit._CS.PlayerGui.Frame
Frame.Visible = not Frame.Visible
function GuiController:KnitInit()
local Interface : PlayerGui= knit._CS.PlayerGui
local Frame = Interface.Frame
local EditButton = Interface.TextButton
local DisapearFrame = Frame.DisapearFrame
local ArrowFrame = Frame.ArrowFrame
local MoveFrame = Frame.MoveFrame
local DisapearButton = Frame.Disapear
local MoveButton = Frame.Move
function GuiController:KnitStart()
print(“Guiservice started”)
return GuiController
Yeah thats what I said, you’re trying to find Frame when it doesn’t even exist (because the game didn’t load yet), thats why you should put it in either KnitStart or KnitInit