I’m trying to make a grab move that throws the target away, however there always seems to be a delay before the knockback is actually applied
I’ve tried both bodyvelocity and AssemblyLinearVelocity but both have this issue, I’ve also tried to have it push the target on the client and server at the same time like many posts like this suggested but that also didn’t work. I’ve read other posts but haven’t found any solutions.
My current script is all on the server and looks like this
Other games don’t suffer from this issue, I’m wondering if it’s just BodyVelocity and AssemblyLinearVelocity that have this issue or if it’s something on my end
Tweening wouldn’t work for this unfortunately since I want them to be able to interact with the environment as they bounce around rather than having a set position they’re knocked back to
yeah, sorry than man, I’m out of ideas and i don’t really use body velocities/make combat systems. Good luck though, hope you can find a solution soon.