Knockback has a noticeable delay

Hello, I have been trying to make a battlegrounds game but I have been stuck on 1 problem for the past 2 days and It seems I can’t get it fixed no matter what.

The issue is that the knockback and basically all dashes and things have almost 1 second delay between clients (at 40ms).
Here is a video of the issue : 2024-02-02 13-46-29

I have tried : client-side knockback, not deleting the forces that apply the knockback (although it helped, there is still a noticeable delay), changing the ragdoll module, and I even tried as a last resort to use setnetworkowner and set the victim’s character network owner to be the other player but as expected that fixes it only for 1 client and makes it horrid for the other player and is preferred not to do that.


i’m not really sure if this would work but you could try doing the knockback of the player on client, then on the same client fire the server which will tell the enemy client to do their knockback on their client

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I actually was just trying this out, unfortunately that doesn’t work because of network ownership