From the Presidental Team of Koauriz Restaurant we would give you a warm welcome to this server, these regulations & information exposed now MUST be followed by all of our members from this community, including guests that don’t work at the main restaurant.
This document was made in order to provide easily accessible information to the community. We ask that you view all contents of this document before proceeding to ask a staff member any questions. If there are any sections of this document that are not clear or could use elaboration, please let us know and we will make edits where deemed necessary.
In this section, you will be able to let you know about all commonly requested information.
Hiring Process
##Hiring Process
The Koauriz community is always looking to hire new people; Guests, Staff and sometimes Management.
The process to follow to be a Management is showing a lot of activity within our main game and on our comms server.
To be a guest within our community is very easy, you only need to join our roblox group and you will be automatically ranked to Awaiting Training (That rank is not available to work at the restaurant).
Process to be a Management & Executive Team
Process to be a Management & Executive Team
To be a Management intern in our community you must show discipline, professionalism and attitude to let us know that you will be able to run that rank correctly. To be a Management Intern you should show around 2 weeks of activity, that activity may be shown at our main restaurant, community events & etcetera.
Joining our staff team as an intern is one step above working as a server or chef. If our recruitment department determines that you are a good addition to the upper staff team, then you may be eligible for the position of Staff Intern.
Roblox TOS and similars
Roblox TOS and similars:
In our community, it’s VITAL to follow the Roblox Community & Guidelines, as they must be followed by all of the people that play or join the Roblox Community, if you get caught from not following these standards, you will be automatically perm-banned from our community.
Apart from that, exploiting is not allowed here, again, if you get caught exploiting on our servers or raiding on our comms server you will be perm-banned (Without ban appeal).
Finally, trolling is not allowed, if you troll any of our resources, you will be wicked from our servers 1 time, if you join back and you get kicked again, you will be banned for a couple days.
Affiliate Information
At Koauriz Restaurant we accept all requests of Affiliates, as we’re now starting our community and we need to grow up as we get members, but to be a alliance with us, you must follow some requirements:
- The community that allies us, must have at least 1 alliance representative.
- The content that provides their games must not be stolen by our development members or if it’s stolen they must receive permission to.
- Must be following the Roblox Terms Of Use.
- They need to be active by doing events, giveaways… (1 week of inactivity = Decline alliance).
Any questions about these requirements or any concert about this section, can be asked to the owner or any Alliance Staff from Koauriz.
If you are interested please make a ticket at our Discord server, where you will find a format to request an alliance.
Appeals Information
Ban Appeal
If you are banned from our games permanently, please fill out this appeal and submit it to a member of our communications department via Roblox private messages or using our communication platform.
- What is your Roblox username? If you are banned from the communications server, please provide your tag.
- Why were you banned from our server(s)? (You should provide date of ban)
- What prompted you to appeal your ban?
- What have you learned since your ban? Do you believe you have changed?
Blacklist Appeal
If you are blacklisted from our staff team, please fill out this appeal and submit it to a member of our recruitment department via Roblox private messages or using our communication platform.
- What is your Roblox username?
- Why were you blacklisted from our staff team? (You should provide a date of blacklist)
- What prompted you to appeal your blacklist?
- What have you learned since your blacklist? Do you believe you have changed?
Affiliate Blacklist Appeal
Due to the nature of affiliate blacklists, and how uncommon they are, Kaouriz does not have an appeal to fill out for this. If your group is interested in appealing an affiliate blacklist, please have the staff member in charge of affiliates contact the Koauriz communications department for further discussion on the appeal.
There we go! You finished reading all of our handbooks, we hope you have learned a lot of new information about our group. By the way, if you want or you think that something should be improved, don’t hesitate to DM the group owner and we will think on adding it. Again, thank you for reading and we hope you have a great day!
Signed, Server Holder.