Kobei | Alliance Application


We’re happy to see that you’re interested in forming a partnership with Kobei! Similar to other groups, Kobei has requirements and regulations a group must follow in order to apply.

Before applying to form a partnership with Kobei, please read the requirements which are provided below. Please note that we do not announce our alliance’s applications.


:warning: Before applying, please ensure that your group meets ALL of the following requirements.

  • Group and members must be active.
  • Must have a good reputation on the platform.
  • Group must have clear and consistent contact with our Communications Department.
  • The group must not sell rank(s) that grant administrative powers, nor free rank of any sort.
  • Group must be willing to attend and announce events held at Kobei.

Alliance Questions

:warning: Please send answer the following questions carefully and to the best of your abilities. For the sake of organisation, please copy and paste your answers into a word document before sending it to our Communications Department.

1 - Introduce your group! What is it about?

2 - Why would you like to establish an alliance with Kobei?

3 - How active is your group? What do you do to encourage activity?

4 - How can Kobei benefit your group and vice-versa.

5 - What makes your group stand out?

6 - Who will be representing from your group? Please provide us with two representatives.

7 - Please provide us with a link to your group and communications server.


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thanks for taking the time to read our alliance information! We thank you for being interested in forming an alliance with us and we can’t wait to see what the future brings.

If you do plan to send us an application, please make sure that your answers are presented neatly in a word document, and sent to a member of our Communications Department through our communication server.