Kohaú | Training Guide

Kohaú | Training Guide

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Kohaú | Introduction

Throughout this guide, we will go over the basics of trainings. This guide is created for the Executives of Kohaú but anyone is free to learn more about the training process. All questions should be directed to the Staffing Department.

Last Update: 9/06/24

Training Guidelines

Information and Guidelines

  • Hibachi Assistant+ may train in sessions.
  • Assistant Manager+ may host sessions but may only claim up to 2 sessions per week.
  • Manager+ may spectate sessions.
  • Professionalism and grammar is required at all times while attending a training.
  • You must attend at least 2 sessions a week unless you are excused with an approved inactivity notice.
  • There is a maximum of 8 trainers per session. May vary if there are interns shadowing.
  • If you sign up for a session as host but decide you cannot come, you must find a replacement host.
Group Shouts

Group Shouts

The host for the session will post a group shout to inform the public of the commencement of the session. There will be examples of group shouts below for you to use; however, you may change the words to your liking. Shouts must be announced 10 minutes prior to the session.

Beginning Shouts:

  • [TRAINING] There will be a training session starting in 10 minutes at the Training Center for all Trainees interested in getting a job! Come on down for the opportunity to become staff!

  • [TRAINING] A training session will be commencing in 10 minutes for all Trainees. We encourage those who would like to become a chef to come down to the Training Center for a chance to become a Junior Hibachi Chef.

  • [TRAINING] The server will soon be starting! Head on down for a chance to become a Junior Hibachi Chef. Not planning on attending this session? Why not head down to the restaurant for a refreshing lemonade?

Commencement Shouts:

  • [TRAINING] The training center has now been locked and the session has begun. If you couldn’t make it, don’t fret as there are many other sessions to be held in the future.

  • [TRAINING] The session has now been slocked. Do not fret if you weren’t able to attend, as there will be other sessions in the future. While you wait, why not head down to the restaurant for some tasty [menu item]? Sounds good to me!

  • [TRAINING] The training has been locked. If you were not able to attend, there will be more sessions soon. For now, head down to the restaurant for some [menu item]!

Concluding Shouts:

  • [TRAINING] Trainings have now ended! There will be another session hosted soon! Head on down to the restaurant for some [delicious/tasty/appetizing/delightful/exquisite] [menu item]!

  • [TRAINING] Trainings have now officially ended! Do not fret as there will be more training sessions in the future! Why not head down to the restaurant to order some [menu item]?

  • [TRAINING] Trainings have now concluded. Congratulations to those who passed. Find the time for the next session in the Training Center’s description. Why not head down to the restaurant for some delicious [menu item]?

Session Commands/Joining

Session Commands/Joining

The host should join the training center, create a server in the training hub, and say !joinhost to make themselves the host of the session. The host should say !open to open the server when it’s time for trainees to join.

  • !joinhost - Makes the player the host of the session.
  • !open - Opens the training and allows players to join. Only hosts may use this.
  • !close - Closes the training. Use this over !slock. Only hosts may use this.
  • !addtrainer [name] [full team name] - Adds a trainer. The trainer must be ranked Hibachi Assistant+.
  • !removetrainer [name] - Removes a trainer from a group.
    !pts: Allows Trainees to ask a question by adding their name to a list. Executives can use !ptslogs to see requests and teleport to them.
    !enablepts: Enables the ability for Trainees to use the !pts command to ask a question.
    !disablepts: Disables the ability for Trainees to use the !pts command.
  • !ptslogs - Shows logs of all people who ran !pts with a teleport button to go directly to them. Once an executive teleports, the request will be removed from everyone else’s logs.
  • !stickynote [message] - Displays a permanent broadcast at the top of the screen, unless changed or removed by running the command again.
  • !ap [name] - Adds a point to the target. Max 3 points.
  • !rp [name] - Removes a point from the target.
  • !fail - Fails a trainee by kicking them. Use this instead of kick/ban.
  • !sort - Sorts Trainees into 8 groups automatically.
  • !promote [name] - Promotes a trainee. They need at least 2 points for the command to work. Only hosts may use this.
  • !passed [name, name, name] - Teleports passed players to the restaurant.
  • !end - Ends the training. All players are kicked and the session is logged automatically.
Prior Training

Prior Training

If you would like to assist at a specific training, keep an eye out for the host to post that spots are available for claiming, starting at :30. Those that have attended less than 5 sessions may claim at this time. Those in need of requirements and interns doing their guided session or training examination will have the first priority. If you’re just spectating, make sure you state that you’re spectating. At :45, those that have attended 5 or more sessions may start claiming. The host will approve who has a spot and must keep a list of each claimed spot. If you are not given a spot, you will be put into a queue.

Starting at :40, people who have claimed spots may begin by going to the training center and joining your host’s server in the training hub. If you claim a trainer spot and do not join by :50, your spot will be given to the next trainer in the queue. Priority will expire by this time as well.

When the host joins, they should say !joinhost. As all trainers arrive, the host should log and assign each one a different group (Sakura, Sushi, Hibiscus, Lantern, Mochi, Lotus, Tides, and Dango) using the command !addtrainer [username] [full team name]. By default, there should be 1 trainer for each group, but an intern may be assigned to their mentor’s group if they are shadowing.

Trainers are required to answer questions the Trainees may have before the session begins. Use the !ptslogs command to see who needs help. At this time, it is strongly encouraged to not speak with each other publicly. You must utilize the private message command !pm [user] [message] or talk in the staff room. Grammar is not required within private messages within each other but please be mature. Once it hits the start time, the session should commence. The host should lock the server using the close command (!close) and begin the session.



[STAFF NOTE] Hosts can put Trainees into groups by using the !sort command. Once everyone is put into their groups accordingly, you are free to begin. After the session starts, the host should start going over all rules for the host to announce to all Trainees (script is below). You can do this by using the command !m [message]. Do not change up the rules, they must stay exactly the same. You must open the command bar by pressing the ‘ key on your keyboard. When using the command bar, you don’t need to include a prefix. If you are on Mobile, an exception will be made.

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the [TIME] training session for today. I’m your host, [USERNAME], and we are joined by your lovely trainers.

Before we begin, please welcome the trainers that took time out of their day to attend this session!

[STAFF NOTE] Have trainers come onto the stage.

Without further ado, I’ll be informing everyone of our rules and expectations for today’s training session.

You are all expected to utilize pretty good grammar within our facilities at all times. If your sentences are not readable, a consequence will be given.

Professionalism must be utilized by everyone throughout the training center and restaurant.

Refrain from starting arguments with your trainer if you fail a training session.

If you need to go AFK any time during a session, please inform your trainer. Not doing so will result in a removal from the current training session.

You must get ll/lll stages correct in order to pass this session.

Not using readable grammar or acting unprofessional during any sections will cause you to fail.

That’s all the rules for today! Before we begin, I will be going over the training procedure.

There will be a total of 3 stages. Greetings, Order, and Quiz!

Without further ado, trainers may now report to their group accordingly!

[STAFF NOTE] Make sure that you log all of the trainers by saying !addtrainer [name]. At the end of the session, it is your job to make sure you rank everyone using the !promote [name] command. Make sure to also say !end as well.



[STAFF NOTE] Bring everyone in your group to a training room. You can do this by saying !bring %(group letter). Have them stand on the long line.

Greetings! I’m [username] and I will be your Trainer for this session.

Today I will be teaching you the basics of being a Low Rank here at Kohaú. If you happen to have any questions throughout the training, please ask.

You must get ll/lll points to pass. If you don’t have that many by the end of the training, you may always attend another session.

I will start with the greeting stage. When you join the restaurant, you’re to head to the front desk.

Behind the desk, there will be customers waiting. Patiently wait for your turn by standing behind the person upfront.

When a customer comes up to you, you should state your greeting using the greeting UI found at the top right of your screen.

Clicking it will display the following: Welcome, Type of Area, Seating Area, Drinks, Appetizers, Entrees, Desserts, and Closing.

By clicking on the script, the message will paste and you will say the text out loud. Here is a demonstration on how it will look like:

[STAFF NOTE] Give a demonstration.

When someone asks for special seating, interact with them and click “Journal”. See if they have gamepass dining areas at the bottom of the page.

In order to use this feature, make sure that you have interactions enabled in the settings panel.

Exotic dining will grant them access to the underwater and cave dining, while VIP grants them access to island dining.

If they do not own the gamepass, ask them to choose another area to be seated. All people in the party must own the pass.

Chefs may only go into a private dining area when serving unless they own the gamepass. Entering without a customer will result in a punishment.

I will now be asking for everyone to use the greetings UI as of now. Open it and click the “Welcome” script. Once done, exit out of the page.

[STAFF NOTE] Have everyone say their own greeting or paste from the greetings UI. If they choose to use their own greeting, make sure it includes all of the necessary components. Players are not required to put the accent in Kohaú to get a point. Give them a point if they properly say a greeting.

Tell your customer that the menu is located in a tool at the bottom of their screen.

Hold out your secret recipe menu tool and hand it to your customer so they can order exclusive items.

Feel free to ask your customer sometime during their meal for an optional tip. They can interact with you to tip.

You may set up tipping in your settings panel. Please keep in mind that tipping is completely optional so don’t beg for tips.

From here, you can start by asking what they would like. The order is drinks, appetizers, entrees, and desserts.

You can give them the food using our cooking system. If your customer is at a hibachi table, you will mainly cook there.

If your customer is at a table or booth, you will cook in the kitchen. If they want a drink or our dessert named “Coffee Jelly”, you must go to a fridge.

To use a fridge, click E/tap the small UI that comes up, and select which item you would like.

Complete the minigame shown and then an animation will play of you grabbing the item. After that, it will appear in your inventory.

Grab all of the fridge items for the whole party and take it back to the table. Hand the item by interacting with the customer and clicking “Hand-to”.

The customer also needs to confirm that you’re supposed to be handing them an item.

When you walk up to the grill (at your table or in the kitchen), a small UI will come up and you will click E/click the UI.

Select the food they would like. You can use the search bar to find it easier.

After that, you will ignite the grill and pick a trick. Tricks can be unlocked for free, with Sushi Rolls, chefs benefits, or by earning an in-game title.

The cooking system will guide you through some minigames. Each mini game will be described in detail.

As you cook, animations will play of you creating the food. After you’re done, the tool will appear in your inventory. Hand it to the player.

If you’re in the takeout area, you must visit the takeout boxing counter and put the food in a box before you hand the item.

If they want to make Taiyaki Ice Cream, head to the ‘Taiyaki Ice Cream’ station inside the kitchen.

Make sure you give them all the requested foods/cover all of the different courses before giving the closing.

Once they are all done ordering, give them a closing to thank them for coming. It’s also a perfect time to request a tip!

Is everyone ready for the order portion?

I will now be allowing each of you to do a practice order of [pick a food item].

You may now go find a grill and make the order. Wait patiently for your turn if all the grills are being used.

[STAFF NOTE] If they make the item and hand it to you correctly, give them a point (!ap [name]). If they don’t deserve a point, politely tell them why. Have them go back to the line when finished.

Great job everyone! We will now be doing the last portion of the training, the quiz. Any questions before we do so?

First, I will be giving you some information on disruptive players.

If you see someone trolling or breaking rules at the restaurant, remind them once.

If they fail to stop, give them a warning using the warning command by saying !warn (user) (reason).

Once they get a second warning, if an MR/HR is in your server, they will be automatically called.

If an MR/HR is not in your server and the disruptive player has been warned two times, you may use mod call in the upper right corner.

If there is an extremely disruptive player, such as an exploiter, you also should try to gather evidence of their actions.

I will now be PMing you with a quiz that will be worth one point. Please be patient as I do so.

[STAFF NOTE] Begin PMing (!pm user,user,user [question]) your trainees a trolling question. Use one of the sentences below:


  • What command do you use when you’re warning someone?
  • What is one reason you would warn someone for?
  • Where is the mod call button located?
  • After you have given a second warning to a disruptive player and there is no MR/HR in your server, what is one way you should deal with the situation?
  • If you see someone trolling or breaking rules at the restaurant, what should you do before you issue them a warning?
  • What should you try to do to help moderators when you see any exploiter in the server?

I have PMed you a question. Please answer it.

[STAFF NOTE] After all of the trainees respond, have a look at their points. The trainer should kick all of those who have failed. Please mention that they should attend another session. Once that is done, the trainer may continue.

Congratulations, you have passed today’s session! I will now be explaining some additional information before you leave.

You will be given a uniform when you go behind the counter/into the kitchen but feel free to buy it from our store.

We do not tolerate unprofessional/trolling behavior from chefs. You will be demoted if you do not behave properly.

Grammar is not required at the restaurant but you still need to remain professional with your sentences.

You can get promotions by earning a certain number of points in-game. You get one point per item made or spill cleaned.

Additionally, you can buy points in our shop. Once you hit a specific number of points, you will automatically be promoted.

You can find the number of points needed inside of the kitchen. We don’t offer refunds for purchases if you are fired or leave.

We encourage you to work your way up to Senior Hibachi Chef to have the opportunity to earn a promotion to MR!

You can earn in-game titles after Senior Hibachi Chef using points. These titles come with overhead badges and exclusive tricks.

[IF NOT RANKED] If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask an MR/HR. Please wait here for the host to rank you.

[IF ALREADY RANKED] If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask an MR/HR. You have been ranked and you’re dismissed!

[STAFF NOTE] Have the host come over and rank them. After they’re ranked, use the !passed command to teleport them to the restaurant. Wait to the side for the host to dismiss you at the end of the training.



After the passers are promoted, they are dismissed from the session. Trainers may leave after completing their duties and with clearance from the host. Once all passers and trainers have been dismissed, the session is over. The group shout should be changed. The session should be ended by saying !end.

Thank you for reading over the Training Guide. If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please inform a member of the Staffing Department.

Kohaú Corporate Department


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