Kokushi | Public Handbook

Welcome to Kokushi’s Public Handbook!

Welcome to the Kokushi Public Handbook. Kokushi is a Japanese Bakery that strives rigorously to ensure the best for the industry and to satisfy all members within the best experience in the ROBLOX industry. The Leadership Team always ensures that we create the best virtual platform for all of our audiences and as Kokushi continues to develop and revolutionize within the bakery industry; we hope to continue expanding within the industry and gain new experience. This handbook will include all information you need to know, so ensure you are following it at all times. It also includes questions that you may have that are unanswered, but if you have a question here that is potentially unanswered, please contact a Senior Vice President+.

Group Link

Frequently Asked Questions

→ How do I become a Trainee?
You can become a Trainee by filling out an application in the Application Center. If you pass, you will be automatically ranked, but if you fail, you will be allowed to reapply. If you don’t get ranked within 72 hours, you most likely failed or it’s left unreviewed. If so, please consult with

→ How do I become a Bakery Assistant?

To become a Bakery Assistant, you must be a Senior Lead for 1 week, being active and working daily. Then, if you’re recommended for the position, you’ll be sent a message from the Operations Department. Another way you can obtain Bakery Assistant is by filling an application out when they open. You must meet the requirements and apply if you’re interested.

→ How can I form a partnership with Kokushi?

If you’d like to form a partnership with Kokushi, you must look below and read the requirements and fill out the application. We’re not too strict on applications, but you must put an adequate amount of detail in your application and send it to someone in the Communications Department. Once you’re done, you’ll receive results in 72 hours or less and should be no longer than that. Furthermore, if you don’t pass your application, you can send another one in 3 days. Make sure you follow the requirements and fill out the questions properly and you would have a chance of passing. If you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to DM a Corporate Advisor+.

→ Are you looking for an investor?

Yes. We are always looking for investors and we need one to invest in our company. Depending on the quantity you pay, there will be perks. You will be paid 30% of the amount of pay. For example, if you invest 5000 robux, you will receive 1500 robux for investing in our company. Additionally, you will receive preferential sneak peeks, a Contributor role, and even Noted Customer. Investing doesn’t only mean investing in our group, but it also means publishing advertisements for us when we can’t and buying games for us. Whatever you do, it’s a big benefaction towards our group and we will take anything that helps. Please DM a Senior Vice President+ if you are interested in investing or DM someone in the Leadership Team.

→ How can I become a Giveaway Host?

To become a Giveaway Host, please DM a Senior Vice President+ to obtain the Giveaway Host role. By hosting giveaways, you promise to do giveaways for our group. As it’s hard to obtain money nowadays and we don’t want to force you to spend your money on a virtual game, you can only go inactive for 5 months. If you don’t host a giveaway within those months, you will be removed as a giveaway host. Anything helps and you can give away anything, as long as it’s appropriate.

→ When will the main game come out?

We will release the main game once we have a developer and they’re finished with the game.

Affiliate Information

This section includes all erudition regarding our alliances, requirements, application, and other useful information.

Affiliate Requirements & Expectations
Must have a minimum of 100+ members.
Must obtain an active community and engagement with events and activities.
Must be able to announce all Kokushi events.
Must remain communicative with our Public Relations Department.
Must have an organized group page and Discord server.
Affiliate applications are reviewed within 48 hours by our Public Relations Division. Please remain patient when waiting for your results. We look forward to forming affiliations with beneficial, welcoming, and active groups.

Affiliate Exceptions
If your group doesn’t meet the requirements, we always make exceptions, but on a rare possibility if we feel as if your group is very professional and it has potential. You must meet the rest of our requirements and DM a Corporate Advisor+. We will discuss and determine if your group can fill out an app with an exemption, but your app must be detailed. Once accepted, feel free to fill out an app anytime.

→ What is the name of your group?
→ Please provide links for both your group, and your DIscord server.
→ Who will be your 2-3 representatives we can talk to?
→ How do you believe this affiliation would benefit both groups?
→ What makes your group unique?
→ What made you want to form an affiliation with Kokushi?
→ How active is your group on a scale of 1-10? Please describe in detail.

Ban Appeals

If you happen to be banned from one of our facilities, such as Discord server or games, you may fill out a simple application for it to be considered for revocation. Once you send in an appeal, it will take a maximum of 72 hours to be read. All Ban Appeals should be sent to a member of the Staffing Department. If your appeal gets revoked, you cannot send another one for the next 7 days.

→ Roblox username & Discord (if you were banned from the Discord server)
→ What facility were you banned from?
→ Why were you banned?
→ How will you improve your actions in the future?
→ Do you understand that sending in an appeal does not guarantee it being accepted?

Senior Lead Promotions

If you would like to work for Bakery Assistant, you must be recommended. Our limit to Bakery Assistants is at least 30. This means that everyone who works for it or applies can’t get it and we need to set a finance limit so everything is properly organized. In order to get recommended, you must be a Senior Lead for at least a week and you must be active and professional, as well as show good dexterity and sportsmanship. You must know how to properly handle disruptive guests. Hinting is forbidden and any indications of hinting will most likely diminish your possibilities to obtain Bakery Assistant.

To receive a recommendation, you must be active, professional, know how to properly handle a disruptive guest, trustworthy, and determined for the position. To get recommended, a Coordinator+ must recommend you. The Staffing Department will review it and make sure you meet the necessary requirements and once done, you will receive a note. You will receive more information from there and you will be an MR+. For Senior Lead who are interested, we wish you the best of luck!

Terms of Service

By being a guest here at Kokushi. This means you must follow all the rules and regulations, whether it’s attending an event, being at the bakery, or even in our discord server, ALL rules must be followed appropriately. Like all other staff members, guests have important expectations they must follow at all times.

Racist, sexist or homophobic slurs are severely avoided at our establishment for a high number of reasons. Not are you disrespecting others, you are also disrespecting everyone by not following this rule. You are not allowed to post hate or horrible comments regarding someone’s differences, we are equal after all.

You must display your utmost respect to those in the server and out, if you fail to follow this easy rule, you will be placed under a warning, and the moderation steps will progress as you get worse.

Spamming content into our homestore such as emojis, links, mentions, and more can get you banned from the server with a non-appealable ban.

Please respect the ROBLOX TOS [Terms Of Service] when venturing into our group games or Restaurant Server. You must follow their rules and ours to be able to be here, let alone be welcome. If you are unaware of them, please check over them.

There are the terms of service everyone must abide by. If not, consequences will be given by the Corporate Team.

This is all! Thank you for reading and make sure to join the group if you haven’t. If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to consult someone in the Leadership Team.